Mission: God’s response. Our Opportunity.

The tension related to the election season, and recent world events, has set an anxious and fearful tone. The Church’s voice is needed now more than ever. We believe that the love of Christ transcends our differences. We believe that we have a role to play in building bridges and setting a different tone. Thus, our “little c” church continues to respond in all kinds of creative ways. We encourage you to find a way to get involved in any, or all, of the following events.
Cold winter days are approaching, and we are asking for donations of coats and blankets for our clients who visit Tabernacle’s Clothes Closet.  Our inventory of men’s coats is extremely low.  At present, we have no blankets—only a few throws.  We also need paper grocery bags, with handles, for the purpose of food distribution.  Lastly, you are always invited to join us on Thursdays, 1:30-3:00 p.m. to serve in our Food Pantry/Clothes Closet Ministry. Let’s join together to offer warmth and sustenance to our neighbors this winter.
Please make plans to join Rev. Joel Ingram in hosting Rev. Nancy Yarnell, Executive Director of Food Security for America to answer questions about the co-op model at Tabernacle Baptist on Friday December 9th at 2pm in the Fellowship Hall. Rev. Yarnell has been starting neighborhood co-ops across the United States for over 6 years and will be consulting with us as we explore this next step in our hunger ministry. This is an exciting opportunity to ask questions and hear stories from someone who has seen this type of ministry flourish in many different locations.
Partner with ReEstablish Richmond to welcome Richmond refugees at the Hila Celebration Potluck. We are looking for 10-15 Tabernacle folks to provide transportation, welcome, and serve a meal on Saturday, December 10th from 6:30-8:30. The celebration will be held in the Tabernacle fellowship hall.  The Hila Project is a group of refugee women who meet weekly to learn English and develop sewing skills. RSVP on the church website if you would like to volunteer, and kate@reestablishrichmond.org if you have questions.
Dozens of family and friends will gather on Wednesday, December 21 to deliver 100+ Christmas Baskets throughout the Richmond Metropolitan area. There are two ways you, and your family, can participate:
1) Your financial contribution can help make a family’s Christmas quite special as they gather around dining room tables and enjoy a warm meal together. Please consider making a financial contribution. The cost of each basket is $50. Each basket contains a full un-cooked turkey, canned items, bread, fresh fruit, eggs, milk, etc.
2) We would love for you to join in the actual delivery of the baskets. We will get organized and begin deliveries at 10:30 a.m.
This is a great opportunity to donate your time, energy, and love as a gift to our neighbors for Christmas. Invite your friends, co-workers, and neighbors to join us! Please RSVP via the church website.
Visit “Events” at www.tbcrichmond.org for the entire Advent & Christmas schedule and for other opportunities to serve.

A Word from Judy Fiske: Three Quarters in One!

Apparently I have been really busy the weeks before the other two quarterly business meetings and I have failed to write down why I was so busy.  Now the task before me is to try to remember just what I was doing in from January to September!  So here goes.

In January we began Epiphany with a Sanctuary installation that featured all of the mirrors in the church building and a few more that were borrowed!  To this we added small mirrors that could go in our pocket to remind you that you are the reflection of God in the world every day.  With these mirrors we were looking to reflect the light of God in each of our lives a bit more brightly each week.  A feature in worship each week was the uncovering of a beautiful piece of artwork painted on a mirror by Rachel Laughlin.  It was covered in blue paint and a different section of the work was revealed each week.  Epiphany was a fairly short season this year as Easter was in March!   Ash Wednesday was February 10 so we moved into Lent.

During Lent the mirrors were mixed with stones that became a pathway to the cross on Good Friday.  Each Sunday in Lent the children filled in the “shadow” of the cross with stones and small mirror pieces.  On Good Friday the shadow was destroyed and poured out on the offering table.  Easter was then a grand celebration of lilies and gold fabric.  The Sanctuary Choir, Children’s Choir and the Youth Choir sang a joint anthem and the choir loft was filled with people and song.

The Easter season featured the rocks and small mirrors slowly developing into a picture of a dove rising from the fires of the Holy Spirit to celebrate Pentecost.  The season of Pentecost lasts a really long time!  We are still in the Pentecost season until Advent begins.  The fall season did begin a new with the Narrative Lectionary in Genesis walking through a set of Old Testament stories.  The sanctuary installation consists of a large chalkboard with a road on it is a symbol of the road we walk along with God in life.

Through all of these seasons the Sanctuary Choir has been hard at work providing appropriate music for each season.  We presented “Return to Me” on Good Friday followed by the joyous music of Easter.  The choir sang for most of the summer.  We sang “The Lord’s Prayer” a lot during the summer series on the prayer.  The Sanctuary Choir is currently hard at work on music for Advent and Christmas.

In the spring, The Older Children’s Choir and Handbell Choir was led by Terry Witt, Jessica Corbitt, Laura Severns and Judy Fiske, the Preschool Choir was led by Helen Davidson and Judy Fiske and the Youth Worship Arts group was led Marty Watkin, Judy Fiske and Ron Simmons.  Dylan, Kaeo, Kanoa, and Kekoa Burgess, Frances Lowery, Waysnah Htoo, Monica Iang, Christina Sung and Brynne Severns attended Virginia Baptist AllState Choir in January and February.  Five youth and two chaperones attended Animate Worship Camp in June.  In July we had 15 people attend Music and Worship Arts Camp at Eagle Eyrie.   This fall the Older Children kept their same leadership and Larry Allen is assisting Helen Davidson with Preschool Choir.

This summer Susan Braden presented her musical “Because I Can Sir” in our Sanctuary.  This musical tells the story of her battle with cancer.  She has also presented this program in NYC at Metro Baptist, in Arkansas and in Roanoke.

It seems that perhaps I was busy.  Now you are caught up a little—thank a musician, young or older, for their hard work in preparing to lead our congregation in worship each week.


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