
No On-Site Programs Sunday, Jan. 12—Join Us on ZOOM

Due to safety concerns caused by icy conditions affecting entry and exit to the church buildings, we’ve decided to move all programs online this Sunday. Instead of our usual livestream, we’ll meet on Zoom at 11 a.m. for a more personal and interactive gathering.

Today’s schedule:

  • 9:45  Some classes have chosen to meet via Zoom, while others have decided to take the day off.
  • 11:00–11:10 a.m.: Centering Gathering in zoom
  • 11:15–12:00 p.m.: Breakout Rooms:
    • Rooms 1 & 2: Guided discussion on baptism with Judy Fiske & Sterling Severns.
    • Room 3: Reflection on Epiphany Star Words with April Kennedy.

We hope you’ll join us for this special time of connection!

Zoom Info:

Join Here
Meeting ID: 837 5539 7125 | Passcode: 123807
One-tap mobile: +16469313860,,83755397125#

Thank you for your understanding and grace as we prioritize safety. See you on Zoom!

No On-Site Programs Sunday, Jan. 12, 2025 —Join Us on Zoom

After thoughtful consideration, key representatives of Church leadership have made a unanimous decision that no church programming will take place on our physical premises this Sunday. This decision was made due to safety concerns related to the current condition of the exterior of our buildings, entrances and exits, combined with recent and anticipated weather events.

Instead, we’ll gather via Zoom at 11 a.m. during the worship hour.

We understand this change may come as a surprise, especially since we’ve been accustomed to using our livestream in similar situations. However, this Sunday will look a little different as we gather on Zoom for a more personal and interactive experience.

Here’s what to expect:

11 am – 11:10 am: A brief formal gathering to center us for the morning.

11:15 am – 12:00 pm Breakout Rooms: After the formal gathering, you’ll have the opportunity to join one of three breakout rooms

Rooms 1 & 2: Guided Conversation on Baptism: Judy Fiske and Sterling Severns will invite reflection and discussion on the significance of baptism in our lives.

Room 3: Epiphany Star Words Led by April Kennedy, this room is for those who didn’t receive an Epiphany Star Word last week or would like to reflect on their word more deeply. You’re welcome to linger and join in a conversation about the significance of these words and how they’ve offered guidance and meaning in the past.

We appreciate your understanding, flexibility, and grace as we prioritize the safety and well-being of our community. We look forward to seeing your faces on Zoom this Sunday as we gather in a new and meaningful way.

Grace and peace,

Sterling, Judy, April, and Vincent (Staff), Jessica C. (Administrative Board Chair), John G.  (Deacon Representative), Donna S. (Chair of Building and Grounds)

Zoom info:

Meeting ID: 837 5539 7125

Passcode: 123807

One tap mobile

+16469313860,,83755397125# US

+13017158592,,83755397125# US (Washington DC)

Vote on The 2024-25 Fiscal Year (July 1 – June 30) Budget.

Budget Vote for TBC Fiscal Year 2024-25

There were no suggestions for changes to the FY 2024-25 Budget so you may now vote on the budget. Voting opens on June 14, and will end on June 26, 2024. Major financial expenditures like these budgets require at least 50 votes. Click here for a copy of the TBC Budget.

Click Here to vote electronically. Paper Ballots will also be available in the back of the Sanctuary.

Please remember, you need to be a member of TBC to vote and you may only vote once.

Looking Ahead with Hope and Anticipation (Revised)

Over the course of these last two months, we’ve seen God at work specifically through:
– the deepening of relationships 
– growing unity among leadership
– the offering and receiving of caregiving in our fellowship
– and the blessing of renewed hope

The list below offers a roadmap of opportunities for us to continue to gather, serve, and grow together. As it relates to your participation, we encourage you to pray for God’s guidance in your faithful “yeses” and “nos” alike. Which of these events might offer you the most joy and/or sustenance in the season ahead? Are there a handful of events God might be calling you to prioritize? Which events do you need to skip in order to be faithful to a calling God has already placed on your heart? Let’s commit to remain open to the holy nudges and assume the best in one another’s decision-making.
 Every time two or more are gathered, God brings opportunity for thriving and growth in community. You are a blessing to those of us that have found a home at Tabernacle and a key part of the unfolding blessing we are called to be in the larger community. Steady on, Church……steady on! 


Saturday, October 21 – Community Ministry
Saturday, October 28 – Leadership Retreat with Mark Tidsworth (consultant)
Sunday, October 29 – Congregational Meeting with Mark Tidsworth (consultant), Sunday, October 29 – 8:00-8:30 PM – Way S’nah Htoo’s Baptism Service


Saturday, November 4 – Community Ministry
Saturday, November 4 – B&G meeting with Carson Dean (consultant)
Saturday, November 4 – Remember to move clock back an hour prior to going to bed (Daylight Saving Time ends)
Sunday, November 5 – All Saints Sunday
Sunday, November 5 – Quarterly Business Meeting (after worship), including initial report from B&G’s work with consultant. 
November 10-12       Youth Group to CBF Virginia Retreat at Eagle Eyrie
Sunday, November 12 – Informal Fellowship on the church portico (after worship)
Sunday November 12 – TBC hosting Rachel Pierce’s Ordination Service (3 p.m) Monday November 13 – Book Club Discussion on “Caste” by Isabell Wilkerson
Monday, Nov. 13 – 15 – Annual BGAV General Assembly Meeting at Bon Air Baptist Church Saturday, November 18 – Community Ministry
Sunday, November 19 – Church-wide breakfast in the Fellowship Hall
November 20 – 24 – Mission Team to Metro Baptist Church, NY
Tuesday, November 21 – Tabernacle and Pine Street Baptist Churches join FBC Richmond for a Thanksgiving Dinner and Worship Service


Saturday, December 2- Community Ministry
Sunday, December 3 – First Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 10 – Children & Youth Christmas Parties Thursday, December 14- TCCC Christmas Pageant Friday, December 15 –  packing of Christmas baskets
Saturday, December 16 – Christmas Basket Ministry (morning)  + Bruton Parish Concert in Williamsburg (evening)
Sunday, December 17 – Sanctuary Choir will share their Bruton Parish Concert Music during worship. Following worship, we will celebrate with Terry Witt, as she is retiring from the staff after 25 years of service, in the Fellowship Hall
Sunday, Decembber 17 – Voting for the TCCC Assistant Director closes at 2 PM.
Sunday, December 17 – Annual Christmas in the Fan Concert
Sunday, December 24 – Christmas Eve Service


June 12-15   –  Older Children to Passport Kids Camp
June 30 to July 5 – Youth Group to Passport Choices  at Converse College

Stay Posted:
Details each of these events will be shared in the upcoming weeks, via TabWeekly, the webpage, and church calendar. 

What might God do with the dust of our fallen structures?

In light of last week’s headline, World Health Organization declaring an end to COVID-19 as a global health emergency


A word of encouragement to those (re)building, (re)viving, (re)missioning, and (re)forming institutions

All humans long for stability. Throughout time, Societies have built structures to protect stability. Call it covid, call it chaos, there’s been a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on. Rigid structures don’t tend to fare well when the ground starts shaking. No structure is meant to last forever and yet when history circles back around we’re surprised by its arrival. Anything we carve or build out of rock, bricks, steel, or glass, eventually falls. Travel to Greece, Rome, the site of the former World Trade Center in NYC, or, (dare I say it) down a long stretch of Monument Avenue in Richmond, Va, historical structures eventually and always buckle under the pressure of the passage of time.

Most any group of people that find themselves finally tasting the “good life” naturally want to build a structure that can maintain, expand, and protect that way of life (aka stability). Think about the destructive cycles that spin chaos into the world from there. If building, maintaining, expanding, and protecting our “good life” requires the diminishing, disqualifying or destruction of the lives of others, expect chaos and prepare to choke on the dust of fallen idols, fortresses, and structures.

I believe God is refashioning us, not only out of the dust of our fallen idols, fortresses, and structures, but also out of the dust being stirred up by the beautiful feet of those walking beside “God with Us”

There’s a moment in the Bible when the disciples of Jesus find themselves awestruck by the Temple structure,“Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what a wonderful structure!” Jesus responds, “Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” The temple is supposed to be the most stable place on earth, the one place where God’s finger touches the world, therefore the one place chaos can’t possibly exist.

Later in the story, those that arrested Jesus justify their actions based on the audacity of Jesus bringing chaos, the equivalent of kryptonite, into the temple. He doesn’t help his case when he predicts the temple’s destruction or in claiming he will rebuild the temple in three days. To add insult to injury, he claims the new Temple won’t be confined by geography or any other lines we might draw in the sand. No-one-corner of the world will be able to claim this One as their own. This One, is meant to travel. This One is a throwback to the original design. Anyone with institutional memory might call him “Tabernacle”, but most of his followers call him Savior.

Church, I know we’re all longing for stability, it’s natural to do so, especially in our grieving. I want you to know that I join you in deep grieving. So much more, I want you to know that we worship a God that brings order out of Chaos.

Any version of life, built upon a structure that diminishes the potential for thriving in the lives of others, cannot be attributed to the goodness of God.

YHWH didn’t fashion us out of metaphorical dust, breathe air into our lungs, and put us on our feet, only for us to create our own versions of the “good life”. Any version of life, built upon a structure that diminishes the potential for thriving in the lives of others, cannot be attributed to the goodness of God. Any version of the “good life” that leads someone into isolation, separation, or even relational annihilation is a cheap counterfeit. God is good…all of the time. The good life Christ offers is the real deal….the Way, the Truth, and The Life. Walk in the knowledge that we follow a Savior that can take all of the fallenness, brokenness, and complexities of the stories of the past and present, all of the unintentional chaos we’ve unleashed into the world, and somehow bring profound goodness through it. Know that God can, and will, make ALL things for good.

As we move out of this global pandemic, it will be critical for us to understand that it’s not our job to rebuild our temples. God already did that, three days after his son was crucified. The news gets even better. The resurrected Savior is inviting us to tabernacle with him right smack into the middle of the chaos. He’s inviting us to join the search party for those who have stumbled into, or were pushed into, lostness and loneliness. He’s inviting us to join him in the reclamation of the abandoned, to participate in the healing of the brokenhearted, and even in the resuscitation of the hearts of the presumed “righteous”.

In this very moment, I believe God is refashioning us, not only out of the dust of our fallen idols, fortresses, and structures, but also out of the dust being stirred up by the beautiful feet of those walking beside “God with Us”. It’s an invitation to breathe again. It’s an invitation to life again. It’s the invitation of a lifetime!

Rev. Sterling W. Severns, Pastor

  • This is an adaptation of something first written in January 2022.

The Wide Spectrum of Mothering

To those who gave birth this year to their first child — we celebrate with you

To those who lost a child this year–we mourn with you

To those who are in the trenches with little ones every day and wear the badge of food stain–we appreciate you

To those who experienced loss through miscarriage, failed adoptions, or running away—we mourn with you

To those who walk the hard path of infertility, fraught with pokes, prods, tears, and disappointment—we walk with you. Forgive us when we say foolish things. We don’t mean to make this harder than it is

To those who are foster moms, mentor moms, and spiritual moms–we need you

To those who have warm and close relationships with your children–we celebrate with you

To those who have disappointment, heart ache, and distance with your children–we sit with you

To those who lost their mothers this year–we grieve with you

To those who experienced abuse at the hands of your own mother–we acknowledge your experience

To those who lived through driving tests, medical tests, and the overall testing of motherhood–we are better for having you in our midst

To those who have had abortions–we remember you on this day

To those who are single and long to be married and mothering your own children–we mourn that life has not turned out the way you longed for it to be

To those who stepparent–we walk with you on these complex paths

To those who envisioned lavishing love on grandchildren, yet that dream is not to be–we grieve with you

To those who will have emptier nests in the upcoming year–we grieve and rejoice with you

To those who placed children up for adoption–we commend you for your selflessness and remember how you hold that child in your heart

And to those who are pregnant with new life, both expected and surprising–we anticipate with you

This Mother’s Day, we walk with you. Mothering is not for the faint of heart and we have real warriors in our midst. We remember you.

Written by Amy Young

*** CONNECTION CARD: Click here to let us know you were present with us in worship, to ask a question, or share a prayer concern.

It’s Transfiguration Sunday!

IT’S TRANSFIGURATION SUNDAY! FEB 19 @ 11 AM (EST)We hope you’ll make plans to join us for this morning’s worship service. We will conclude the season of light celebrating the Transfiguration of Jesus. We will conclude the worship service in a circle of candlelight, turning our attention to the Lenten journey ahead.


During the invitation hymn, those participating virtually will be encouraged to log out of the livestream AND immediately log into the zoom link below. This will allow our virtual participants, each holding candles, to be visually seen alongside those in the physical sanctuary. It only would make sense to do this if you’re comfortable turning on your zoom camera to be seen in the circle of candlelight. If you’d rather not be seen, it’s best to just stay in the livestream.


1) Login into this zoom link when prompted:

Meeting ID: 342 567 7717
Passcode: 909439

2) Turn on your camera so that you and your UNLIT candle can be seen on the monitor in the Sanctuary.

3) Be sure your microphone is muted.

4) You’ll be prompted to light your candle, when those in the physical room are lighting theirs.

Registration Deadline for this weekend’s: Re-Visioning Retreat, January 13-15, 2023

In decades past, previous generations at Tabernacle set aside time, often full weeks or weekends, to come together purposefully and expectantly. Long ago, these gatherings were called revivals and more recently spiritual renewal weekends.

 Though the format of those gatherings have changed, the longings and expectations of each generation, including our generation, have not wavered. For almost 150 years our local congregation has come together, often in our most vulnerable chapters of communal life, to express our yearning for revival, to pray for inspirited vision, to petition God to give us unity in the (re)discovery of purpose and call. 

The weekend of January 13-15, 2023, our generation will come together, in both the physical church building and in our virtual acre. Mark Tidsworth, our facilitator, will  help us explore the challenges and opportunities standing before the Universal Church and guide our local church in prayerful discernment/dialogue.

We will  introduce three questions as an invitation into  discernment.  

What might God do, in and through us,  if we were to shift away from __________________  and move toward _________________? 

  • member identity to disciple identity
  • attractional to missional church
  • consumer culture to sacred partnering

On Friday night, Mark will provide a format we’ll use for capturing our insights and we’ll continue to gather and glean throughout the entire weekend. This, plus the insights generated during multiple small group discussions, will be funneled to church leadership after this weekend. In turn, the leaders will determine how we can effectively continue to discern together as a congregation. 

The Holy Spirit is prompting our old church to embrace a new day in this new world we’re all living in and we offer our praise to God for what we’re about to see and hear.  Tabernacle, yet again, Christ is on the move, and, yet again, the revived, renewed, and re-missioned Church is called to follow.  

Retreat Schedule:
Friday, January 13 6-9 pm (dinner provided)
Saturday, January 14, 9-12 pm 12-12:45 (lunch provided), 12:45 – 3 pm
Sunday, January 15, 9 – 10:30 am + worship

There is no registration fee. However, we do ask that each participant bring a pack of bottled waters or canned beverages + a sweet/salty snack to share.

Whereas, we won’t be able to provide a nursery on-site,  we can help offset some of the expense of baby sitting in your homes and possibly identify babysitters.


It will be helpful to us if each participating member of your household registers separately. Please REGISTER BY CLICKING HERE.

A greeting from our Retreat Facilitator

Nov. 21 Zoom mtg postponed

Tonight’s  Zoom Meeting, regarding Fire Protection, has been postponed.

The decision to postpone tonight’s zoom mtg. is based on updated information our lay leadership received this morning. Thanks for your flexibility and  also for helping us put the word out to your classes, committees, teams, and small groups.

We’ll reschedule the meeting after we’ve explored the info we’ve just received. 

Discipleship Pathways

“What would the church look like if everyone in the church used their God-given gifts and talents to equip the rest of the church in such a way that the entire church became more like Jesus?”  For if the whole church looked and lived more like Jesus, how much more would our neighborhoods and cities look more like heaven?

– JR Woodard

The Pastoral Staff has been hard at work in preparing to equip the church in this next season of life together. Early this week, we’ll share the details of what the church can expect. This document will serve as a primer in better understanding why we’re beginning “here” and what to expect from each space we’re creating. Our goal is to prompt each one of us to take a deeper step in our walk with Christ; we make the road by walking. 


It’s all about equipping the people of the Church to be more like Jesus in a world that needs the love of Jesus.  Christian discipleship is about calling others to join us in practicing a way of life in which we embody (flesh out) the life of Jesus in the context of the world as we journey to fulfill God’s mission together.

  • Discipleship is a way of life, not an intellectual assimilation of ideas or a program.*
    • We must deliberately practice discipleship in our daily lives, if we want to disciple others; It’s essential for us to practice what we teach. 
    • Discipleship is about inviting people to become whole again, to become more like Jesus, overcoming destructive habits and building life-giving habits
    • Discipleship takes place in the street and the sanctuary, the classroom and the living room, its about being “with people” in everyday life
    • Discipleship happens when we are on mission together, joining God in the renewal of all things.

Explore the primary tool we’re using to develop three unique spaces of belonging in Fall 2022.

Explore our fall programming guide

Short on time? Here’s a snapshot of what to expect this fall

* Adapted from Jr Woodard's Creating a Missional Culture: Equipping the Church for the Sake of the World 

A Month of Maintenance Work for Our Home at Grove & Meadow

This report was submitted back in June from Donna and the Building and Grounds Committee. Since it was a large and costly project, we thought for those of you who may have missed it the first time around, we would bring it back to the top of the posts so you can have a chance to read it again.

It’s been an exciting month of activity around our buildings for the month of May and into early June.  You may not notice unless you look hard or unless you are spending time in the choir area or Blue Room!  The members of the Building & Grounds Committee thought you would like to see just how hard folks have been working for needed repairs and renovations, thanks to our partnerships with local experts.  Old World Masonry Restoration, Vassars Services and Jeter Flooring all did an excellent job for us!

To read the full report which includes pictures of the project, click here.

Many thanks to Vincent, Donna and the Building & Grounds Committee.

Fiscal Year 2022-23 Final Budget

This is the budget from the Finance Committee for everyone’s review. Click here to access the budget. There was a zoom call this past Sunday evening at 7 PM for anyone that wanted to ask questions or add input before the Finance Committee submitted the final budget today. If you missed that meeting but would like to view it, click here for the recording of the 7 PM meeting from Sunday, June 5.

The timeline for the budget will be as follows:
Beginning June 8 – please review the budget. If you have any questions please reach out to Margaret Ailes, Jim Soyars, or Dan Herman our Finance Committee members.June 22– Online voting begins for the Budget – Click here to vote electronically. June 26- Paper Ballot in Worship and Vote Closes at 3 PM.

The TCCC Budget can be reviewed by clicking here.

We’re Expecting Company and could really use some help in some practical “once and done” projects…….

We’re anticipating a wonderful season of re-connection and welcome. Now is the time to get ready for company. 


Reset a wifi enable deadbolt and connect to TBC wifi.Deadline – February 15


  It’s well past time for us to pull everything out of the cabinets in our copy machine room and the supply closet just around the corner. We need 2-3 folks to tackle this. Probably would take a day of working together or two half days?  Deadline – February 15


* Enter data related to worship attendance over multiple years into a spreadsheet AND create some charts that help us track trends. * Gather some specific content from annual Book of Reports, enter said content into a spreadsheet. Deadline – FEBRUARY 28


We’ve got a small handful of wooden tables and desks that need to get freshened up. No presumptions as to how many you’d knock out. Just let us know what you’re up for and we’ll assume others will do the same. Deadline – FEBRUARY 28


We’re looking for a curious sleuth to go through random keys, attempt to identify matching locks AND/OR label and re-organize our current keys.  Deadline – MARCH 1

Interested parties…..please contact   Sterling will connect you to the appropriate coordinator and we’ll take it from there. 

Stay posted as lots of other opportunities will be posted in the week(s) ahead.

RSVP For Wednesday Night Meal – February 1, 2023

Please RSVP For Wednesday Night Meal 

(Revamped) Dinner Church on Wednesday Night

We  hope you’ll make plans to join us for Dinner Church on Wednesday, January 25.  Please note the second iteration of this new ministry model is slightly different from the original:

5:30 – 6 p.m.
Early arrivers will help prepare the physical space

6 – 7 p.m.   
Break break and explore faith (older children – Senior Adult)
* Preschool – 1st Grade will eat and participate in a different space.

7 p.m.
Parents and children head home. Others may do the same or opt to help clean-up and enjoy unstructured fellowship.

7:15 – 8:15 p.m.
Those with a desire to delve deeper into the conversation are invited to gather in the Sanctuary with our pastor.   

Hope you’ll make plans to join us on Wednesday, February 1.  Please CLICK HERE to RSVP so we can plan for dinner. Please RSVP by 7:00 PM Monday, January 30.

***If you would like to attend and bring your own meal, please feel free to do so.***

The cost for the meal will be $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children and youth with a maximum of $20 per family. We will accept cash, check (made payable to Tabernacle Baptist Church), scan the QR Code or Credit/Debit card.

Building Update: Wed., Jan 8

Around the Building—Things You Want to Know

The pastoral staff and the B&G Committee are managing the impact of this week’s inclement weather and the City’s loss of water.  

  • The Child Care Center is taking appropriate actions to address their specific needs, and we are working to support them in every way we can.  
  • Our sidewalks were pre-treated.  Vincent is monitoring for ice every day, adding more salt where needed.  
    Because we have an area with less sun on the sidewalks surrounding the building, we ask that everyone be careful if you are outside of the church or child care center.
  • The flooring in the atrium area is wet, and the water will continue due to the snow and ice on the glass roof.  We hope to get the roof repair completed over the next couple of months, waiting for Dominion Energy to replace an alley electrical pole for the alley power line to be higher.  
    For now, we prefer that everyone use the church office entrance until the snow and ice on the roof are gone.
  • A couple of weeks ago, the closure for the Meadow Street glass door broke.  We are still waiting for the part to come in for that door to be repaired.
    We are asking that you do not use the Meadow Street entrance until the door is repaired.  Again, we prefer that everyone use the church office entrance until the repair is complete.

The pastoral staff and the B&G Committee will confer on Wednesday at noon to consider next steps related to the lack of water in the building.  The church was closed on Tuesday as a safety measure.  We will give Vincent time to assess the whole building after water service is restored to be sure all systems are working properly.  Once that assessment is completed, we will decide how to move forward day by day.  Understanding that there is a need to boil water that is consumed, we are taking every precaution for all users of our buildings.  Please look for updates on our website for our next steps in the use of the buildings.

Your understanding and continued prayers are appreciated.

Richmond under immediate boil water advisory + building closed Tuesday

IMPORTANT WEATHER RELATED UPDATE: The church buildings will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, due to lack of safe water.


RICHMOND, Va. — The City of Richmond has issued a boil water advisory immediately and until further notice for all residents.

This advisory comes after a winter weather storm-related loss of power Monday impacted the City’s water reservoir system, causing the system to temporarily malfunction. Capacity restoration services are currently underway, per the Department of Public Utilities (DPU).

Some may experience a total loss of water service, while others may experience varying degrees of loss in water pressure. Residents in Chesterfield, Henrico, and Hanover counties are not impacted by the boil water advisory.

Once the water system is back online, DPU personnel will begin the process of flushing the system and ensuring that the water is safe to drink.

Below is a checklist for safe water use during this time:

Do not drink tap water during this boil water advisory.

Do not drink from water fountains in parks, public or private buildings that receive water from the City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities.

Do not use ice made from water today. Discard the ice and sanitize the ice machine and/or ice trays. This also applies to water and ice dispensed directly from a refrigerator.

Do not use tap water to make drinks, juices, or fountain soft drinks.

Do not wash your dishes using tap water – use boiled water or use paper plates for the next few days.

Do not wash your fruits and vegetables with tap water – use boiled or bottled water.

Do not brush your teeth with tap water – use boiled or bottled water.

Do not cook with tap water, unless your food will be boiled vigorously for three minutes.

Temporary water conservation tips:

Eliminate or shorten shower times.

Avoid unnecessary toilet flushes,
Avoid washing clothes for as long as possible.
Postpone washing dishes if possible.

Check all faucets, showerheads and under cabinets for drips.
This is a developing story and will be updated as we learn more. Email the CBS 6 Newsroom if you have additional information to share.

Link to request “Star Gift” (Epiphany Sunday)

Create your own user feedback survey


Doug and Lea Coppage are looking for people to help with next summer’s Baseball Camp in Vác, Hungary! The camp will be Monday, June 30, through Saturday, July 5; the trip would be (approximately) Friday, June 27, until Tuesday, July 8.

These are the kind of people we’re looking for:
1. 8-12 year olds who play baseball/softball,
2. their parents
3. any age ball players
4. chaperones
5. people interested in helping in any way.

Please ask God whether you might take part in this. If you do, contact

Date Details:
Friday, June 27 at the latest: FLY to Hungary
Saturday, June 28: ARRIVE in Hungary
Sunday, June 29: REST, PREP for camp
Monday-Saturday, June 30 – July 5, 2025: CAMP
Sunday, July 6: Go to church in Budapest AND/OR Budapest tour.
Monday, July 7: Budapest tour OR fly back to the States.
Tuesday, July 8: fly back to the States.

Building 4 Hope

Building & Grounds Update

TBC has been accepted to participate in an exceptional program to guide us in how we utilize our church facilities to further our mission to serve God in our community.  How we got accepted for this year’s grant program is a story of divine intervention.  We thank Tracy and Jay Hartman for linking us to the right people at the right time to be added to the group of churches in this cohort, when the list of churches to included had apparently already been selected.  God has once again provided more light for us and our work at the corner of Grove and Meadow. We thank God for this incredible opportunity.

About Building for Hope
Building for Hope is a two-year program for churches and their leadership, funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. The program guides congregations through a journey of repurposing their underutilized facilities and other physical assets – in order to advance each congregation’s mission. The program is a response to the epidemic of underutilized church facilities across the US; by reorienting these spaces, congregations and their surrounding communities are equipped to flourish.

TBC has been selected to participate in the inaugural cohort which officially begins in early 2025. The pastor and two lay leaders will make up our retreat team. That team will travel to Alexandria, VA for three cohort meetings: February 20-22, May 15-17, and October 16-18. We will be assigned a coach who will walk with our team through the two-year process. In the second year, the coach will work with TBC to help us discern how God is calling us to better utilize our facilities, and then to form and implement a plan.  Except for transportation to Alexandria, there will be no cost to TBC or our team members to participate in this program. 

We will keep everyone informed as we learn more about this exceptional program. Look for updates in the TAB, Business Meetings, and special announcements.  Please direct any questions you may have to Donna Soyars at or to Sterling Severns.  Your ongoing support will make a difference!