
Community Lenten Devotional: Week 1

As we journey through this Lenten season, particularly this season in the time of pandemic, examining what it means to be a people of God in this time and in our various places, we ask you to consider participating in the Community Ministry of Tabernacle Baptist Church.  Use this Lenten prayer calendar to guide you. Your gifts are appreciated by them and by the Community Ministry Team and our neighbors. Your prayers mean the world to us. 

February 17 – Ash Wednesday
Prepare for this Lenten journey by opening a paper bag or a reusable bag that you can donate. Pray for the family that will receive this bag.  Give thanks for all that you have today.  (Put a few empty bags in the bag, because we never have too many and you may fill this one.)

February 18 
Pray for the mother who is happy to see a roll of toilet paper in the bag that we give out each week.  Give thanks that you have toilet paper in your house.

February 19
Pray for the person who wants to look and feel clean as they face whatever their day brings. As you add some razors to your bag, and give thanks that you face your day clean shaven.

February 20
Pray for kids who will be getting up this morning to head to the park, or the back yard to play. They need a good breakfast to get them going.  Add some grits or oatmeal or cream of wheat to your bag. Give thanks that you are starting this day with a filling meal.

February 21
Sunday is a feast day in the season of Lent. Celebrate this Sunday by adding something that you eat to celebrate.  (Some of us want cake, or cookies, or brownies. So a mix for any of these and maybe some oil, will help someone else celebrate)

February 22
Pray for the family that has a baby that seemingly cries all of the time. Put diapers or wipes in your bag and remember that your mother probably thought that you would never stop crying. Give thanks that you will, most likely, sleep soundly tonight.

February 23
Pray for the woman who may miss a meal this month so that she will be clean and comfortable. Put some tampons or pads, and maybe some Advil in your bag for her.  Give thanks that such a small thing will make someone’s month.

Sabbath | February 14, 2021

We set aside the Sabbath day for the purpose of holy rest, sacred connection, and life-giving worship. Read more about our approach to Sabbath.

Sabbath with Us
The day is shaped by freedom. We encourage you to set time aside for three unique movements: PRELUDE, communal GATHERING, and CIRCLES. All of these are times of holy rest.

Today is Transfiguration Sunday, where we remember Jesus’ transformation in appearance before his disciples. We traditionally celebrate this by lighting candles together.

Begin your day with a quiet, reflective time with God at the place and time of your choosing. This material is intended for personal meditation.  You may want to be in a quiet place and light your own personal candle, but you may also just be sitting in your car waiting for an appointment. Where you are is not the point. The point is that you are taking the time to be quiet and listen so that you may walk through your day in communion with God.

Prelude Option 1: Epiphany Guided Contemplation Video

Prelude Option 2: Reflective Readings

Prelude Option 3: Transfiguration Benediction


We will meet at 11am (Eastern) on Livestream. This is our time to come together as a congregation and worship as one. We love to see guests and old friends drop in, so please say hello using the chat feature! This week we will light a candle together at the end of the service, as we traditionally do for Transfiguration Sunday.

Join us on Livestream at 11am (Eastern)

Scripture Passage: Luke 9:28-45


Connect and experience spiritual growth in meaningful conversation and biblical study with a small group of people in a Tab Circle. This week we’ll study Luke 7:1-17 together. To sign up for a Circle or learn more, click here.

Bible Study Curriculum

QuickGuide & Discussion

Intergenerational Activities

More Opportunities
There are many ways to connect with us, on Sundays and beyond! You can find more information about our Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, prayer gatherings, and discipleship series on our online calendar.

Parents can contact Jerusha to receive interactive materials like coloring pages and sticker sheets to use during Worship!

If you’d like to take part in our worship by recording a testimony, prayer request, or scripture reading, please contact us!

Going Deeper: Life Cycles of a Congregation

Where do you think our little church falls on the life cycle?

We all know that churches tend to move through cycles, inevitable and natural for us to do so. Our willingness to look into the mirror and share what we’re seeing is important. Are we all seeing the same image of our little church when we look into the mirror? We are indebted to Dr. Tracy Hartman, one of our beloved members, for introducing us to “Life Cycles of a Congregation”

“Savy churches will constantly engage in the ongoing work of renewal….. and move with courage into the risks involved in living into. “

-Dr Tracy Hartman

1. Where is Tabernale in the life cycle? Do you see us in the prime stage? Maturity Stage? or do you see us as slipping downhill?

2. What will it take for us as a congregation to (re)vision and (re)new? What are you willing to do/sacrifice to make that happen?

3. What are the barriers you/we face as we look into the mirror? What walls need to come down so that we can draw closer to God and discern together?

4. What do we pray for?

Comment below or add your thoughts to our Communal Journal.


Sabbath | February 7, 2021

Sabbath is the culmination of Creation. We set aside the Sabbath day for the purpose of holy rest, sacred connection, and life-giving worship. Read more about our approach to Sabbath.

Sabbath with Us
The day is shaped by freedom. We encourage you to set time aside for three unique movements: PRELUDE, communal GATHERING, and CIRCLES. All of these are times of holy rest.

Begin your day with a quiet, reflective time with God at the place and time of your choosing. This material is intended for personal meditation.  You may want to be in a quiet place and light your own personal candle, but you may also just be sitting in your car waiting for an appointment. Where you are is not the point. The point is that you are taking the time to be quiet and listen so that you may walk through your day in communion with God.

Prelude Option 1: Epiphany Guided Contemplation Video

Prelude Option 2: Reflective Readings


We will meet at 11am (Eastern) on Livestream. This is our time to come together as a congregation and worship as one. We love to see guests and old friends drop in, so please say hello using the chat feature! This week we will hear stories of healing, and take communion together. Please prepare the elements (bread or cracker and drink) before the service.

Join us on Livestream at 11am (Eastern)

Scripture Passage: Luke 7:1-17

This week’s hymn: Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne


Connect and experience spiritual growth in meaningful conversation and biblical study with a small group of people in a Tab Circle. This week we’ll study Luke 7:1-17 together. To sign up for a Circle or learn more, click here.

Bible Study Curriculum

QuickGuide & Discussion

Intergenerational Activities

More Opportunities
There are many ways to connect with us, on Sundays and beyond! You can find more information about our Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, prayer gatherings, and discipleship series on our online calendar.

Parents can contact Jerusha to receive interactive materials like coloring pages and sticker sheets to use during Worship!

If you’d like to take part in our worship by recording a testimony, prayer request, or scripture reading, please contact us!

Does Church Size Matter?

Pastor Meg Lacy Vega talks to us about how congregations function differently depending on their size.

This podcast is a supplement to our ongoing discernment dialogue as we explore what God has in store for our congregation and the universal church. We invite you to listen each week as we share thoughts, articles, questions, and ideas about our discernment process.

You can read more about church size dynamics in the article Leadership and Church Size Dynamics: How Strategy Changes with Growth by Time Keller.

2020 Year End Financial Report

Where does Tabernacle stand financially?

The Finance Committee shared with us a year-end report as well as the following documents. Please take a minute to review this important information regarding the financial status of our church. Thank you, Finance Committee, for leading us as we steward what we’ve been given.

TBC Budget vs. Actual 2020

TCCC Budget vs. Actual 2020

TBC Balance Sheet (as of 12/31/20)

TCCC Balance Sheet (as of 12/31/20)

Pastoral Reflection: The Gift of Remembrance

Pastor Sterling Severns remembers old friends and those who have left us in one way or another.

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge— God thus confirming our testimony about Christ among you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

 1 Corinthians 1:4-9

Who comes to mind when you remember those in the church who are no longer with us?