Community Ministry distributes food and clothing on select Saturday mornings from 8:30-11 am. No advanced registration is required.
What to do when you arrive:
Free Parking is available in both the Meadow St lot and the Granby St lot. Pay is not required in either lot during food pick up.
Please enter the building by the stairs at the corner of Grove Ave and Meadow St, behind the church sign.
The elevator can be accessed through the glass door in the alley off Meadow St.
When you arrive, join neighbors for a hot breakfast and coffee while you wait to be checked in. When it is your turn, you will shop for food in our choice pantry. There is a variety of canned and dry goods, as well as meat and fresh produce if available. The clothes closet is also available for shopping on most food distribution Saturdays.
Qualifying senior adults (age 60+) will be eligible to receive one 30-35 pound supplemental food box each month. Please note: currently we can only distribute CSFP boxes to previously registered senior adults. If you are not registered, we can register you to begin receiving assistance in future months.

Volunteer Guidelines
We welcome new volunteers in Community Ministry.
There are many ways to be involved in Community Ministry—every role has the goal of contributing to the community that is growing in this place.
- Calling all sorters, organizers and personal shoppers! The clothes closet at Tabernacle provides clothing for all ages throughout the year. Timing for clothes closet donation sorting is flexible but is currently Wednesday mornings at 10 am.
- Set up for choice pantry involves table set up, moving food from storage into the Community Room and preparing the space to welcome neighbors. Join us Friday mornings at 10 am to help set up (Community Ministry weeks only).
- Saturday mornings there is a job for everyone. Some jobs include shopping with neighbors, serving breakfast, helping with check-in, stocking tables, filling cold bags, and loading cars. Children and teens are welcome. We have the most amazing neighbors who walk through the doors to receive food. Be sure to take time to stop being “productive” and sit at a table in the Fellowship Hall with our neighbors. These moments with neighbors are often the moments where we see more clearly and are made aware of God’s presence.
Email our Minister of Abundant Community, April Kennedy, with any questions.
We welcome donations of nonperishable food, toiletries, and other essentials such as diapers, feminine products, and dish soap. If you can share some of these necessities, donations can be left at Tabernacle Baptist Church, 1925 Grove Avenue, Richmond, VA.
Email April to coordinate a drop-off on Wednesdays or Fridays.
Our greatest needs right now are:
- Reusable grocery bags
- Pop-top soups or entrees
- 1 lb package of spaghetti noodles
- Spam
- Toilet Paper
- Personal Hygiene Items
- Cleaning Supplies
- Peanut butter or cheese cracker packs
Please check the TAB Weekly for other items that are needed
Upcoming Opportunities

A high percentage of neighbors coming to the food pantry in recent years have been seniors. In 2018, we began an additional program, Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), which is specifically for qualified seniors 60 years and older. CSFP provides a supplemental box filled with food with senior dietary needs in mind—such as low-sodium canned vegetables and sugar-free canned fruit.
As a TEFAP and CSFP pantry, we are able to better serve and meet the needs of the community. With the help of FeedMore, food and monetary donations from Tabernacle’s congregation, and special collections from the Richmond Concert Band and the community, we are actively participating in feeding those in need. This is what Jesus called us to do—to actively participate and engage in the lives of others, especially those in need.
The food pantry cannot be present and make a difference in the lives of our neighbors without help. There are many ways to serve within the Tabernacle Community Ministry; see the event calendar to find ways to get involved. Donations are also appreciated; you can find a list of current needs at the top of this page.
As we continue to transition and grow, please pray for this ministry and the community it serves.
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