For many years, for me, World Communion Sunday has been about the bread, as many different types and flavors as possible. It has also been about baking this bread with other people: Bonnie Dance, Kimberly Yednock and Todd Schall-Vess, James and Emma Braford to name a few. Sadly the church kitchen will be empty this year with no flour being spread from one end to the other. This means that bread baking will have to be done in your really clean and very solitary home kitchen.
One of the things we always made was cheese muffins—-don’t ask me what they have to do with World Communion Sunday, but most everyone in the Tabernacle congregation loves them. Because there is no communal baking taking place this year you are going to be on your own for bread baking. This is the recipe for the cheese muffins. It makes two dozen. I always use whole milk and full fat cheese, but you can make them with 2 % milk and low fat cheese if you would like.
Cheese muffins:
Wet ingredients:
- 1 stick of butter melted, 1/2 cup
- 2 cups of milk
- 2 eggs beaten
Dry ingredients:
- 3 ½ cups of flour
- 2 T baking powder
- 4T sugar
- 1/8 t salt
- 2 cups of shredded sharp cheddar Cheese
- It is also possible here to throw in a quantity of bacon crumbles
Place the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir, make a small well in the center of the ingredients. Combine wet ingredients and pour into the well in the dry ingredients. Stir until just moistened, batter is thick.
Place the batter in greased muffin tins and bake for about 20 minutes at 350 degrees.
We also made some yeast breads. I have usually just gone to the King Arthur Flour website and chosen a couple of easy bread recipes to make from there. One easy one is the “No-Knead Crusty White Bread.” It is easy to mix and then make into loaves. Making bread is not terribly difficult and while it is time consuming, it is not labor intensive.
Grab a family member and make some bread or muffins this week in honor of World Communion Sunday. The abundance of bread on the Communion Table for World Communion Sunday at Tabernacle is to remind us of the abundance of God’s grace and care for ALL people in the world. Pray for Christian communities all over the world this week as we and they celebrate World Communion Sunday.