Community Room HVAC Replacement |
Around 2004-2005 Barbara Spain led the way for an engineering review of the entire main church facility to determine the best approach to provide heating and air conditioning. As a result of that analysis, the congregation agreed to install five York HVAC systems in 2006-2007. These systems have served us well. Based on their age, we are now in need of repairing and fixing them to properly maintain heating and cooling.
Back in April-May of this year you may recall that we replaced the HVAC systems that service the Choir/Youth Room areas and the Blue Room/Welstead classroom area, replacing the same kind of York system that services the Community Room area now. The HVAC system that services the Community Room area has a leak in the coil. Repairing the leak would cost over $5,000—more money than is reasonable to spend on such an old system. We attempted using a sealant refrigerant in the coil to repair the leak; that attempt failed.
Vassars Services is recommending and we are asking for your approval to replace the interior unit of the system that services the Community Room area at a cost of approximately $9,000. This work will be scheduled to be completed as soon as your vote of approval is received.
Note: The technicians believe that we will probably get another two-three years of service from the exterior unit of this system, understanding that it does not have the roof exposure that the two systems have that were replaced earlier this year. Therefore, we will monitor this system closely. We urge that we move forward right away with this replacement request to be sure we continue to meet the FDA requirement of keeping food in this area at 72 degrees F.
This expense and required funding has been approved by the Administrative Board. Voting is open now and will close on November 20, at 3:00 PM. You must be a member of TBC to vote and you may only vote once. A paper ballot will be available in the back of the Sanctuary on Sunday, November 13 and Sunday, November 20, for those who do not wish to vote electronically.
Please CLICK HERE to vote electronically.