Just days earlier, they had witnessed Jesus’ brutal death in Jerusalem, leaving them overwhelmed with grief and uncertainty. Two of His followers, one named Cleopas and the other unnamed, now walk the road to Emmaus, their minds swirling with questions. How could this have happened? What if everything they believed was wrong? What next? Along the way, they find themselves hosting a stranger, and as they walk, they speak repeatedly of the burden of failure. As the sun begins to set, stillness—the great amplifier of anxiety—settles in. Broken hearts break bread together, and then it happens—the stillness is broken with the miraculous. Eyes are opened, the presence of the risen Christ is made known, and the presumed hosts find themselves invited yet again into a future wide open.

The Emmaus Road is long, and while you won’t see it on any map, it intersects at every corner in the city we call home. Just after the pandemic, Alcoholics Anonymous began meeting weekly in the “Blue Room” of the little church at the corner of Emmaus and Grove. There, each week, just after the sun goes down, the brokenhearted gather together and inevitably find themselves less alone than they thought they were. Stories of brokenness, despair, healing, and transformation are shared in that space. It’s on the road to Emmaus the future is resurrected, one broken heart at a time, one step at a time.

This Thursday, I’d like to invite you to the corner of Emmaus and Grove. We’ll gather together with one of the leaders of the AA meeting that takes place every Wednesday in the Blue Room. We’ll hear stories, and perhaps some of us will even feel called to share some of our own. Perhaps, in the sharing of stories and also in the stillness—the great amplifiers of God’s presence—we’ll all catch a glimpse of a resurrected future?  Perhaps we, each and every one of us as guests, might leave that place more resolved to keep walking, one step at a time, toward that future together?

I hope to see you there.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Sterling W. Severns

Details for Thursday, October 24, 2024:

  • Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Location: Blue Room, Tabernacle Church
  • Dinner: Pizza and salad provided
  • RSVP: Please e-mail communications@tbcrichmond.org

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