We set aside the Sabbath day for the purpose of holy rest, sacred connection, and life-giving worship. Read more about our approach to Sabbath.
We encourage you to set time aside for three unique movements: PRELUDE, communal WORSHIP, and CIRCLES. All of these are times of holy rest and worship.

Begin your day with a quiet, reflective time with God at the place and time of your choosing. This material is intended for personal meditation. You may want to be in a quiet place and light your own personal candle, but you may also just be sitting in your car waiting for an appointment. Where you are is not the point. The point is that you are taking the time to be quiet and listen so that you may walk through your day in communion with God.
Prelude Option 1: Easter Reflective Reading
Prelude Option 2: Musical Easter Reflection

We will meet at 11am (Eastern). This is our time to come together as a congregation and worship as one, whether in-person or online. The scripture passage for this week is Acts 15:1-18. If you’d like to return in-person, please see our What to Expect page for information on entrance and safety.
Take communion with us during the Livestream this week, or gather a group together and use the following video to be led through eating and drinking in remembrance of Jesus.

Connect and experience spiritual growth in meaningful conversation and biblical study with a small group of people in a Tab Circle. This week we’ll study Acts 15:1-18 together. To sign up for a Circle or learn more, click here.
Circles Option 1: Intergenerational Activities
Circles Option 2: Bible Study Curriculum
More Opportunities
There are many ways to connect with us, on Sundays and beyond! You can find more information about our Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, prayer gatherings, and discipleship series on our online calendar.