Ring the bell. Honk the horn. Start your engines.
It’s time for our congregation to take immediate steps in the re-introduction of Deacon Ministry. It’s essential to remember that we’re rebuilding structure, which requires a great deal of intentionality.
The urgency we’re all feeling is good; it’s healthy and timely. I have every reason to believe God will take the urgency – confusion – concern – desire – hope – and potential – to do something great.
Over these next three days, I’m going to ask you to join me in praying specifically about Deacon Ministry and how it fits into a larger picture. Today, I will begin to invite you to consider some foundational “stuff” with a promise to get more and more specific along the way. The first part isn’t overly specific and crucial. The last part is very specific and it’s crucial for us to quickly determine if it’s the next faithful step.
Let me be clear, as it relates to rebooting Deacon Ministry, It is my strong conviction that it’s time for our congregation to go:
- DEEPER – Develop a deeper culture of care (John 13).
- WIDER – Embrace a fuller understanding of the Priesthood of all Believers
- NARROWER – Embrace the a more focused form of Deacon Ministry.
Before I proceed, I want to offer a word of gratitude. Much of what I’m going to lay out in this series of articles will reveal what I’ve been struggling to convey over these last couple of years. My heart is in a different place these days. In the peaceful assurance, I feel like God is providing some clarity. Like many of you, I’ve felt pretty misunderstood and I’ve struggled to listen. What I’m about to share with you is a direct result from active discernment but I’m certain it’s not complete.
Soon, “two or more” of us will need to come together to listen in unison and determine what God is revealing. That’s what the Spirit does, she brings a new version of “us” together and helps “us” determine what the next faithful step looks like. I’m grateful for your willingness to listen and eager to listen together.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Sterling W. Severns, Pastor