- We help each other overcome our addiction to control and contempt, through deeper forms of relationship building. Work to develop a culture that invites vulnerable sharing in appropriate spaces and foster a deeper culture of care through awareness of those outside of our familiar circles.
- We practice what we preach and then we practice some more. Let’s create programs in this next season that are more about culture than strategizing. This is how we’ll build trust.
- As we continually remind and invite one another into “a more excellent way” of walking together, there is life to be found our testifying to what Christ is revealing along the way. Lets practice testimony more actively in every aspect of church life.
- We identify those among us experiencing spiritual renewal and listen for what God might be revealing.
- We identify those with unique giftedness in creating space for deeper listening and invite them to help us practice.
- We assume that every gathering is a form of active discipleship…even though most of it won’t likely resemble anything we traditionally associate with discipleship.
- We identify the giftedness and potential in one another and get busy leaning into a relational form of leadership.
- We prepare to welcome an influx of new energy and new people. We open our hearts to them in sharing fuller versions of our stories.
- We constantly clarify who makes what decision and then communicate clearly before and after the decisions are made.
- We continue to trust the Spirit to help us make the road by walking.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Sterling W. Severns, Pastor
Tomorrow, we get really specific. Part Four features the promised recommendation for Deacon Ministry.