Holy Week is a special time in the life of Tabernacle, where we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. Please consider taking part in our online services and coming for times of outdoor fellowship this week!
Find a few minutes each day to read through Understanding the Cross: a home-based Holy Week devotional based on Jesus’ “seven last words”. You can download a digital version or come pick up a paper copy at church on Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday: March 28
11:00 AM – Worship with us on Livestream.
12:30-2:00 PM – Drive by the church to pick up a palm cross and a Holy Week devotional from the staff. Stay a few minutes to say hello outdoors if the weather is nice.
Maundy Thursday: April 1
7:00 PM – Zoom birthday party for Sterling featuring communion! April fools, it’s Maundy Thursday Zoom Worship. Maundy Thursday is about preparation and service. Before this gathering you will want to prepare your physical space as well as your spiritual and mental being. To prepare your space: choose a quiet space in your home where you can participate in this Zoom meeting with as few distractions as possible. You may want to light a candle to remind yourself of the presence of God in your space. A piece of paper and a pencil or pen will be helpful to fully participate. If you want you can prepare some food for a simple meal while we meet. If we were together in one space we would be scattered among the Sanctuary eating hummus, grapes, pita bread, olives and carrots. You will want to gather the elements for communion in advance—a cracker or a piece of bread and something to drink.

Good Friday: April 2
12 PM – Noon Livestream service based on the Seven Last Words of Christ. Join us live or plan to watch later in the day with your family.
Easter: April 4
6:00 AM – Check your email for a virtual Sunrise service that will feature music and celebration of the resurrection. If you’re not on our mailing list, sign up here.
11:00 AM – Easter Sunday service on Livestream including bread for the journey for Cung Thawng and Hlei lang.
12:30-3:00 PM – The flower cross will be out on the portico for you to come and add your flowers and take photos.