Where do you think our little church falls on the life cycle?

We all know that churches tend to move through cycles, inevitable and natural for us to do so. Our willingness to look into the mirror and share what we’re seeing is important. Are we all seeing the same image of our little church when we look into the mirror? We are indebted to Dr. Tracy Hartman, one of our beloved members, for introducing us to “Life Cycles of a Congregation”

“Savy churches will constantly engage in the ongoing work of renewal….. and move with courage into the risks involved in living into. “

-Dr Tracy Hartman

1. Where is Tabernale in the life cycle? Do you see us in the prime stage? Maturity Stage? or do you see us as slipping downhill?

2. What will it take for us as a congregation to (re)vision and (re)new? What are you willing to do/sacrifice to make that happen?

3. What are the barriers you/we face as we look into the mirror? What walls need to come down so that we can draw closer to God and discern together?

4. What do we pray for?

Comment below or add your thoughts to our Communal Journal.

One thought on “Going Deeper: Life Cycles of a Congregation

  1. I feel the more circles presented the more likely the connection between all will continue.

    I still feel a group of discussion on the issues people are facing now during the pandemic. We also in time need to have various groups for discussion on depression especially now.

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