March 15, 2025 (Day 10, pages 55–58)

Get it together. Keep it together.

These two phrases are unrelenting. For so many of us, they hum beneath the surface, quietly and destructively applying pressure that has shaped far too many of our days. We tighten our grip, clench our jaw, convinced that if we just try harder, hold on a little longer, everything won’t come undone.

How much more of our precious time on this earth will we spend simply trying to hold everything together? As if survival is the goal. As if control is the prize. We convince ourselves it’s working—until the cracks form. Until what we thought was unshakable begins to shift beneath our feet.

“Faith demands renovation. Grace demolishes what will not sustain.”

Josh Nadeau, Room for Good Things to Run Wild

The ground is shifting, and we feel it.

Could it be that grace is already working its way in—not in spite of the cracks, but through them?

Could it be that what feels like falling apart is actually making space for something truer, something more whole?

Beneath all that crumbles, something unshakable remains.

Love remains. Grace remains. God remains.

Perhaps what’s coming undone was never meant to hold us in the first place.

I Wonder…

• I wonder what I’m gripping too tightly that grace is asking me to release?

• I wonder if I’ve mistaken holding it together for actually being whole?

• I wonder how I might recognize grace in the shifting ground beneath me?

• I wonder if the unraveling is actually an invitation?

• I wonder who I’m walking with—and who is walking with me—all the way home?


This Reflection is Part of a Lenten Journey

This Lent, we’re making space for something deeper—reading Room for Good Things to Run Wild by Josh Nadeau. No book club, no meetings—just a daily invitation to reflect, in whatever way feels right for you.

Learn more, access the reading calendar, and join the journey here:

More about the book and author:

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