Announcement:  Please Vote for an Elevator Control Panel Upgrade

Since the beginning of this year, the Building & Grounds Committee has continued its efforts in developing its 5-year strategic plan.  One of the priority items in that plan is what we need to do and when we need to do anything related to our elevator.  Researching turned out to be a very good idea from a planning ahead perspective.  We learned a lot of new information that has led the Administrative Board and Buildings and Grounds Committee to adjust our timeline for the Elevator Project.

Recommendation from the Building & Grounds Committee and the TBC Administrative Board:
We recommend moving forward with only the replacement of the obsolete control panel for our elevator as a proactive measure to minimize the downtime needed for this upgrade.  After consideration of three proposals, we recommend accepting the proposal from Metro Elevator, whose proposal seems to be the best in terms of price and customer service.  The quoted price for the control panel upgrade is $58,300.

Background Information
The elevator is currently operating well and has passed all inspections.  One of the vendors who evaluated our elevator indicated that a full modernization is not needed at this time, thinking we could wait several years.  That gives us time to raise money for the full upgrade.

  1. Time to Complete the Replacement of the Obsolete Control Panel Only
    We will not be able to use the elevator for the projected two weeks needed for the installation of the new control panel.  That means that we as a leadership team need to plan for being without the elevator for two weeks.  This is better than waiting for a problem with our obsolete control panel to occur and then wait for a company to be selected, plan the project, get the materials, and then get the project done, which would likely take at least 10-12 weeks from the time a control panel failure issue occurs.
  2. Limiting the Scope of Work
    If we were to fully modernize the elevator, we would likely have to meet City code for such things as fire code.  That would cost a significant amount of money and time.  We understand that we can get an emergency obsolete control panel project approved by the City without addressing code concerns.  That gives us an upgrade to elevator operations until we more fully plan for the $200,000+ expense of modernization and meeting code.
  3. Paying for the Project
    We recommend moving forward using available church funds to pay for the new control panel installation, with the understanding that we will immediately begin to raise money for this specific project as an initial step in church fundraising over the next several years.  The Administrative Board will work to realign pending projects if needed and as appropriate to manage church funds well.  The congregation will receive an update on the full scope of all facility-related projects in our next Business Meeting to keep you fully informed.

Your votes for this elevator control panel upgrade will begin on June 30th.  Immediately after your approval for this project at the end of the church vote on July 14th, the B&G Committee will begin negotiations for scheduling this work.  Our hope is to get this work completed for our fall church activities. To Vote electronically CLICK HERE.

Please do not hesitate to direct your questions to Donna Soyars at

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