We launch into this fall season with confidence that God will give us the resources we need in accomplishing the important work of the church. It is our hope that every member of the church will: 1) Deliberately take a deeper step in their faith walk 2) Every member will find one area to regularly serve (weekly or monthly) Which of these many opportunities would you like more information about? A member of our staff will reach out to you to answer questions and help with your discernment process. Please CLICK HERE to take the survey. Please click on the boxes to find out more information on how you may serve. PRIORITIES: CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:45 – 10:45 AM) – Cindy Hutchinson is our week-to-week lead teacher. We need a minimum of one adult to serve with her. We’re likely looking for a rotation of adults to serve once a each month. (background checks required) YOUTH GROUP MENTORS (Sundays, 12:30 – 2:30 PM) Sterling Severns is our week-to-week leader. We need 2 other adults to serve beside him. We’re likely looking for a rotation of adults willing to serve once each month (Background checks required) DIALOGUE FACILITATOR (serving larger community) – ExCell is beginning a new zoom based program which gathers a small group of preschool parents together on a monthly basis. Facilitators will be trained in a 1.5 hour session and then commit to facilitating a conversation for 1 hour….once a month. We’re looking for facilitators with these attributes and attitudes: – Positive and uplifting leadership with others Guide conversations through keen observations – Demonstrate curiosity and interest in learning from others – Share patience and a sense of humor with others – Ability to listen responsively (demonstrate to the speaker that you are listening and understanding what is being said, which encourages the speaker to continue) We’re looking for a total of 10 facilitators. YOUTH EVENTS: We have a handful of upcoming youth events requiring additional chaperones. Check the box if you’d like info on events and dates. TABLE PREP AND/OR FOOD PICKUP: Mid-September, we’re beginning a new Wednesday night program called “Dinner Church”. We’re looking for folks willing to pickup food and deliver it to the fellowship hall on Wednesday afternoons and others to help prepare the tables (late Wednesday afternoon) ONCE A MONTH CLEANING AND ORGANIZING: We’d like to have a list of folks that will be willing to come into the building, once a month on a weekday of their choosing, to help tidy up and/or organize classrooms and hallways. HANDY PEOPLE: We’d like to have a list of folks that would be wiling to come into the physical building to help with basic “handy” projects. Think – hanging frames, powerwashing, preparing walls for painting, etc. SHORT TERM PROJECTS IN THE BUILDING: SANDERS: use a belt sander and mouse sander on small oak classroom desks STAINERS: Stain some of the furniture out sanders have prepared. TECHNOLOGY: organize our cables, test equipment, and/or install AV in classrooms “AT HOME” PROJECTS SEWING: new cushion covers for sitting stools, a sitting bench, light blocking curtains, and cushions for “This End Up Furniture” BASIC FURNITURE BUILDING: Break down a piece of furniture and use the wood material to create a basic sitting bench (we have a leather cushion for the bench) Please CLICK HERE to take the survey. Please click on the boxes to find out more information on how you may serve. We’ll continue to post other opportunities as they arise and appreciate you discerning YOUR place of service. |