This Saturday is our annual Christmas Basket Community Ministry, and you’re invited to come be part of this meaningful day! While the tradition of providing holiday meals continues, this year will look a little different as we live out our values of hospitality and dignity in new ways.

Instead of packing baskets, we’re offering neighbors the opportunity to choose the ingredients that best suit their needs—just as we normally do in the food pantry. Choice matters because it honors our neighbors’ preferences and experiences.

There are so many ways to be involved, and not every job requires heavy lifting! We need help with set-up, guiding neighbors through their selections, carrying groceries, and—just as importantly—offering a warm smile, a listening ear, and a spirit of welcome.

Come be part of this special day of connection, care, and joy. Together, we’ll share the love of Christ in the way we welcome and serve one another.

How Can I Participate? Sign Up Here

 1.   Volunteer to help prepare baskets and other Community Ministry food on Friday, December 20.  

  • The heavy lifting team will meet at 9:30am at Aldi (927 Meyer St). Strong muscles and trucks needed!
  • Join the set up team at 10am at Tabernacle. There’s a job for every ability level!
  • Stick around to help with some additional projects: Epiphany stars, organizing, etc

2.   Join us Saturday, December 21 as we welcome our neighbors for breakfast, choice pantry and Christmas Basket distribution. 7:30am to 1pm

3.   Commit to praying for our neighbors receiving baskets. Join me in praying for the invitation that will be extended around each table.  Pray that the host and participants will recognize belonging. Pray that our neighbors will see Christ as they engage with those around their table. Pray for the lonely that they will be comforted. And pray that doors will be opened through relationships.

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