At 7am on a Saturday morning, a drowsy group of five drove together, willing to spend their day working at Camp Alkulana. As we arrived, Beth Wright greeted us with a warm smile and big plans for our day. As she spoke about the ideas she had for our work that day, our minds were filled with creative plans for how we would complete our tasks. A small group of us began creating new outdoor seating using wooden planks, created by other church groups, made out of trees found on the property. Another small group built a new staircase using rocks that were dug up during the installation of the new retaining wall. As we asked for help, communicated our ideas, and worked side-by-side, the daunting tasks we had been assigned were efficiently completed by newly-formed friends. Tabernacle’s hard work this past Saturday is only a small section of the work many churches are contributing to Camp Alkulana. Church groups had come before us, preparing the property for the work we completed that day. From creating the wooden planks to digging up the rocks, our tasks would never have been possible without the community of churches who had come before us. This community of churches, whose tasks helped to prepare for the tasks of others, is one of many communities that will be created on the property of Camp Alkulana this summer. 



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