
LOVE GOD. LOVE NEIGHBOR. A significant update on the COVID-19 Situation.

A significant update on the COVID-19 Situation. 

We have decided to cancel all in-person church events for the remainder of March. Our concern is the wellbeing of the city and the most vulnerable among us. Our hope is that keeping a social distance for this short time will help the community by slowing the spread of the virus.

We want to use our facilities to serve our neighbors. In this instance, one of the best ways we can offer care is to sacrifice our time together in those facilities. Of course, we will also be looking for opportunities to use the facilities in unique ways, should something come to our attention. We will be using technology creatively to worship, remain connected, mobilize care, and meet together. 

We encourage you to carve out 20 minutes to watch this video. The content of the recording offers information about how we came to this decision, what to expect in the next few days, and opportunities we’re praying about. 

Please visit for a quick Q&A about this weekend. 

Our free Church App, and the website, are your best source of up-to-date information. 


"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your God in heaven."

Matthew 5:14-16

Love God. Love Neighbor. A Significant Update related to the COVID-19 VIRUS.

A significant update on the COVID-19 Situation. 

We have decided to cancel all in-person church events for the remainder of March. Our concern is the wellbeing of the city and the most vulnerable among us. Our hope is that keeping a social distance for this short time will help the community by slowing the spread of the virus.

We want to use our facilities to serve our neighbors. In this instance, one of the best ways we can offer care is to sacrifice our time together in those facilities. Of course, we will also be looking for opportunities to use the facilities in unique ways, should something come to our attention. We will be using technology creatively to worship, remain connected, mobilize care, and meet together. 


Our free Church App, and the website, are your best source of up-to-date information. 


"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your God in heaven."

Matthew 5:14-16

What to Expect Over the Next 7 Days

SATURDAY: Community Ministry will be open as we know that our neighbors are in the need of the food that will be distributed. Volunteers that are over the age of 60, younger than middle school, or have compromised immune systems and/or heart and lung issues are requested to stay home. We want to keep you safe!  We know that we will need help tomorrow. Please click here for the specifics.  If you are showing ANY sign of sickness, please stay home. Many of our neighbors that will come to receive food are over the age of 60. 


Sunday school will be available via Zoom. We’ll post the link and also instructions by 5 p.m. on Saturday. 

The Neighborhood Listening Project Orientation Breakfast has been postponed until early April. That said, say posted for some fun videos in the next couple of weeks. 

We will worship via the Livestream. The service will be interactive, we will post song lyrics/stanzas, etc. A “talk back” will be available, after the service, for anyone that wants to hop over to Zoom. 

It is important for us to continue to create space for our brothers and sisters from Burma. Thus, Lisu Grace will be invited to use the Blue Room, but under rigid boundaries contained to the blue room. 


  • Church Staff will be present in the building, during regular business hours. That said, please don’t assume that you will be able to access the building.  Please call first! 
  • Our Child Care Center Ministry is officially closed for the next two weeks. Full-time employees of the Center will be in the Center/Nursery area for deep cleaning of space and training. 
  • One of the ways we can offer care for our community is using space to support local business owners. We have 2 different music teachers that offer one-on-one classes in our building. They will offer instruction in specific classrooms on the 1st level of the main building. Signage will be posted and all other rooms will be locked for safety purposes. 


  • The Richmond Concert Band will be on official hiatus for the next two weeks.
  • The Administrative Board will meet via Zoom (Expect instructions by 5 p.m. on Monday) 

WEDNESDAY: The Pastoral Staff will create an online interactive program for children, youth, and adults alike. We will likely use both zoom and livestream.  (Expect details and instructions by Tuesday at 5 pm)

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY: We will publish a schedule for the week ahead. 

Click here to access a 20 minute video explaining the decision-making process, what to expect next, and opportunities we’re praying about. 

The church website and our Free Church App are your best two sources for up-to-date information. 

A Response to the Moment at Hand.

Christians profess to believe that Jesus walks with us through life in it’s entirety. We believe the love and compassion of Jesus is with us in crisis, in celebration, and every moment between those bookends. When we experience the compassion of Christ, we naturally find ourselves extending that compassion to neighbor. It’s a relevant word as Covid-19 has introduced fear into many hearts and, in turn, we find ourselves assuming a posture of self-protection and selfishness.  

Where is God in all of this? 

Friends, I do not believe that God threw this virus onto the world as a form of punishment or judgement. However, I do think there is tremendous temptation for us to to turn this virus into a god that ultimately demands our fear and devotion alike.

  • Jesus doesn’t demand our devotion. Rather he draws near, walks with us, and inspires our devotion through faithful compassion. 
  • Jesus doesn’t delight in our fear. Rather he promises to bring peace and courage amidst the fear. 
  • Jesus doesn’t relish in our isolation. Rather, he promises companionship through the presence of the Holy Spirit and the gift he gives us in one another. 
  • Jesus never said “this” would be easy. Life happens….chaos happens…..struggle is part of the deal. The promise Jesus makes to us is daily presence and daily bread. 

In these days of anxiety and distrust…..

  • Let us re-commit ourselves to the nurturing of our faith. Let us commit to pray continually and remain connected to the source of our salvation. 
  • Let us commit to keep our hearts open to the holy nudges that move us toward our neighbors. 
  • Let us resist the urge to hoard anything that our neighbors might need and trust that God will provide sustenance….one day at a time. 
  • Let us commit to protect the most vulnerable through the exercise of best practices AND also exhibit courage in movement toward our neighbors. We know that God has given researchers, doctors, and community leaders the wisdom they need in helping guide us through this next stretch of time. We also know that our faith compels us to follow Christ wherever he leads us. We will need to seek wisdom and courage as we lean into the tension of these two truths. 
  • Let us avoid making assumptions about others. We don’t know the physical, mental, and spiritual challenges our neighbors are struggling with. 
  • Let us assume the best in each other and see each of our neighbors through the eyes of Christ. 

Whereas, there is nothing beautiful about the hardship that is taking place in various corners of the world, there is tremendous beauty in our response to that hardship. Jesus will give us the creativity we need for the moment at hand. He is helping to carry our burdens along the way so that we can use our hands and feet as an extension of his own. This is a moment to practice what we preach …. loving God…and loving our neighbors as ourselves. 

Yours in Christ, 

Sterling W. Severns, Pastor

Preparing for an upcoming vote: A newly formed Finance Team

The nominating committee has been hard at work on the creation of a new leadership concept to better support our Church Treasurer. Long story short, we are expecting too much out one volunteer. Thus, we’re having a hard time finding volunteers to serve.

We are striving to create an environment where balance is valued. We want church to be a place where people are spiritually nurtured and their God-given gifts are used to do great things in the world. Burnout makes it nearly impossible for us to live into the fullness that Christ desires for each of us.

Whereas, anyone is welcome to listen to the podcast, the intended purpose of the 25 minute interview with Woody Jenkins, Co-Chair of the Nominating Committee, is information sharing. We want our congregants to have access to helpful information. Informed dialogue helps us to make informed decisions together!

Here are three supportive documents to help you dive deeper, if so desired.

Next Steps:

  1. Deacons will make a decision as to whether or not they approve the creation of the Team.
  2. Pending Deacon approval, the Nominating Committee will officially present names of members that have been nominated to serve.
  3. The congregation receives the names and spends the next two weeks praying, entering into informed dialogue, and asking questions.
  4. Congregation votes two weeks after they first received the names.
  5. Pending approval of the congregation, the four individuals would begin their good work together.

Worship, March 8, 2020

God created us whole. All of us have been created to great things. 

The sin we struggle with makes it difficult to fulfill our calling, individually and corporately. Sin makes it difficult for us to love God fully, love ourselves in the way that God loves us, and, in turn, love our neighbors as ourselves. God desires for us to become aware of our sin. God could opt to take complete control and prune us. In turn, we could take (perceived) control and prune ourselves. However, God chooses to work with us in the pruning the sin from our lives. 

Pruning, as difficult as it is, helps us to thrive where we’ve been planted. If we work with God to prune the sin, and nurture the soil, we will naturally bear fruit in the world and draw others to Christ. 

This week, we will focus specifically on the role that control plays in our lives. We will talk about our need for control/our unintended God complexes. We don’t provide water, soil, or sun. Relinquishing a false sense of control helps us to remember that we are connected to THE giver of life, the sustainer.

Members on Mission: Emily White

I have been terrified of needles my entire life. However, I’m actively trying to conquer my fear and I got brave enough to try donating blood at a blood drive in December. It was nowhere near as awful as I anticipated (I have a great imagination) and I actually really enjoyed my experience for a number of reasons. There is something incredibly special about knowing that the blood you are giving is going to help someone who really needs it because they are potentially undergoing a surgery, transplant, dealing with a chronic illnesses, blood disorders or cancer. As you are donating, it is a wonderful opportunity to say a prayer of thanksgiving for good health. It is also a special time to ask God to bless the blood you are donating as an offering and pray for God’s healing for the person who will be receiving it.

My Mom has worked at Retreat Doctor’s Hospital for over 30 years. When she told me about the blood drive there on Wednesday March 4th before our Wednesday night activities at church I was excited because I realized what a great opportunity this was for us as a church to participate in.  We have been focusing on loving our neighbor. What better way to demonstrate our love of neighbor as Christians than to give them our blood, something that Christ did for us on the cross? So please consider participating in the blood drive at Retreat Hospital. I’ve signed up to be there at 1:15 so maybe I’ll see you there!

Rend Your Heart: A Blessing for Ash Wednesday

To receive this blessing,
all you have to do
is let your heart break.
Let it crack open.
Let it fall apart
so that you can see
its secret chambers,
the hidden spaces
where you have hesitated
to go.

Your entire life
is here, inscribed whole
upon your heart’s walls:
every path taken
or left behind,
every face you turned toward
or turned away,
every word spoken in love
or in rage,
every line of your life
you would prefer to leave
in shadow,
every story that shimmers
with treasures known
and those you have yet
to find.

It could take you days
to wander these rooms.
Forty, at least.
And so let this be
a season for wandering,
for trusting the breaking,
for tracing the rupture
that will return you
to the One who waits,
who watches,
who works within
the rending
to make your heart

—Jan Richardson

Ash Wednesday: Information for Parents

Hello Parents!
We will kick off Lent with Ash Wednesday Worship in the Sanctuary. Parents are welcome to attend with their children (children in the service must be accompanied by an adult). 

This service will be quiet and dark, so if you would like to take younger children (up to 5th grade) to the nursery, you can drop them off in the following locations: 

From 5:45-6:00PM, parent drop off is in the Preschool Worship Arts classroom (on the Main Level) with Jerusha, Dianna, and Kara. 

If you arrive after 6PM, please drop your child off in the nursery, on the 1st Floor of the Williams Building.
From 6:00-7:00PM, there will be child-friendly worship for children in the Nursery. Through action and symbol, the children will be invited to receive the Sign of the Cross in ashes on their foreheads. 

We look forward to seeing you for this meaningful service!