
Church helping CHURCH: practical thoughts for Pastors navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Pastor Friends, many of us, if not all of us, are struggling to determine the best way for us to lead our flocks in the COVID-19 Pandemic. I’ve struggled with where to begin. I’ve found it incredibly challenging to navigate leadership in the current moment while simultaneously planning for a long season ahead. It’s easy to feel stuck.
I’m hearing from friends serving in smaller congregations. Many are struggling with the lack of resources, time, and the technology gap.

I’ve created a series of five brief videos to share some observations, offer practical advice, and urge us to work together. I share it hesitantly as I don’t want to suggest that I’ve got anything figured out. Many of the ideas that are shared are simply ideas. We’re still trying to figure out implementation. That said, I have a conviction that we should be learning from one other, through failure and success alike.

If you find these videos helpful, please pass them along. Iif not, just ignore them and press on. Regardless, I hope you will consider practical ways that you might share your insights and encouragement to one another.

Lastly, sisters and brothers serving in congregations that are further along with the technology gap, let’s do everything in our power to make space in our digital spaces. Let’s think creatively about how we can share our resources with generosity and humility. We’re in this together!

1. This is the first video in a series of brief/specific recordings created for Pastors navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. The first video offers a brief introduction and shares some ideas for setting priorities.

If you find the series helpful, please feel free to pass it along. I encourage you to find your way to offer support to sisters and brothers serving in pastoral roles. Let’s learn from one another. Let’s share our resources. Let’s use this moment to show the world what unity looks like in the body of Christ. Let’s use this moment to mobilize compassion.

2. The second video in this series focuses on the unique challenge of Pastoral Care and some pratical thoughts on how we mobilize our congregants to offer care to one another.

If you find this video helpful, please feel free to pass along. I encourage you to find a way to offer support to sisters and brothers serving in pastoral roles. Let’s learn from one another. Let’s share our resources. Let’s use this moment to show the world what unity looks like in the body of Christ. Let’s use this moment to mobilize compassion.

3. The third video in this series focuses on our prioritization of churches directly sharing resources and connecting in unique ways.

If you find this video helpful, please feel free to pass along. I encourage you to find a way to offer support to sisters and brothers serving in pastoral roles. Let’s learn from one another. Let’s share our resources. Let’s use this moment to show the world what unity looks like in the body of Christ. Let’s use this moment to mobilize compassion.

4. The fourth video in this series focuses on practical ways we can connect with congregants not comfortable with technology or don’t have the means to access the internet.

If you find this video helpful, please feel free to pass along. I encourage you to find a way to offer support to sisters and brothers serving in pastoral roles. Let’s learn from one another. Let’s share our resources. Let’s use this moment to show the world what unity looks like in the body of Christ. Let’s use this moment to mobilize compassion.

5. The fifth video in this series offers practical advice on the use of technology and the importance of what we’re projecting to our congregants.

If you find this video helpful, please feel free to pass along. I encourage you to find a way to offer support to sisters and brothers serving in pastoral roles. Let’s learn from one another. Let’s share our resources. Let’s use this moment to show the world what unity looks like in the body of Christ. Let’s use this moment to mobilize compassion.

Being the Church in the Coronavirus Pandemic: A one hour conversation with Dr. Art Wright, Theologian in Residence at CBF VA

We have experienced tremendous disruptions to daily life as the coronavirus pandemic sweeps across our nation and the globe. Many of us as church leaders are struggling to find ways to adapt to the situation. On Thursday, March 19, 2020, Sterling Severns (Senior Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church in Richmond, VA) and Art Wright (Theologian in Residence for CBFVA and member at Tabernacle Baptist) talked via Zoom about how Tabernacle is navigating these challenges and adapting to offer worship, educational and fellowship opportunities, and pastoral care right now. In our conversation we discuss some of the practical challenges that we are facing, key technology that we are using as we strive to be church virtually, and we also reflect on deeper theological and spiritual dimensions of leading churches during these trying times. We are sharing this conversation in hopes that it is helpful for churches near and far.


How to Lead Online Worship Without Losing Your Soul—or Body 8 tips for stewarding church technology in a time of social distancing by W. David O. Taylor

ZOOM Meeting- Supporting Older Adults during Covid-19, March 27

Leading Churches during the Coronavirus Pandemic

We have experienced tremendous disruptions to daily life as the coronavirus pandemic sweeps across our nation and the globe. Many of us as church leaders are struggling to find ways to adapt to the situation. On Thursday, March 19, 2020, Sterling Severns (Senior Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church in Richmond, VA) and Art Wright (Theologian in Residence for CBFVA and member at Tabernacle Baptist) talked via Zoom about how Tabernacle is navigating these challenges and adapting to offer worship, educational and fellowship opportunities, and pastoral care right now. In our conversation we discuss some of the practical challenges that we are facing, key technology that we are using as we strive to be church virtually, and we also reflect on deeper theological and spiritual dimensions of leading churches during these trying times. We are sharing this conversation in hopes that it is helpful for churches near and far.

Leading Churches during the Coronavirus Pandemic

We have experienced tremendous disruptions to daily life as the coronavirus pandemic sweeps across our nation and the globe. Many of us as church leaders are struggling to find ways to adapt to the situation. On Thursday, March 19, 2020, Sterling Severns (Senior Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church in Richmond, VA) and Art Wright (Theologian in Residence for CBFVA and member at Tabernacle Baptist) talked via Zoom about how Tabernacle is navigating these challenges and adapting to offer worship, educational and fellowship opportunities, and pastoral care right now. In our conversation we discuss some of the practical challenges that we are facing, key technology that we are using as we strive to be church virtually, and we also reflect on deeper theological and spiritual dimensions of leading churches during these trying times. We are sharing this conversation in hopes that it is helpful for churches near and far.

TBC Members: preparation for vote on Tues, March 31

We’re in uncharted waters. Adaptive leadership and flexibility will need to be a priority for us in this next chapter of life together. I’m confident God will give us the creativity, flexibility, and grace we need for this unique moment.

We need all members to be prepared to vote on 3 important items on Tuesday, March 31. Please click here for information.

Praying for each of you. Love each of you!

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Sterling W. Severns, Pastor

PS: Hope has created a unique “button” at the bottom of the free TBC App and a new page on our website, dedicated to sharing latest/greatest info on what is happening at TBC.

Membership: please be prepared to vote on Tues, March 31

One the core principles for Baptists is Autonomy of the Local Church. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, each congregation determines how it’s members will make significant decisions together. In the current COVID-19 crisis, we’re going to need to be creative in how to make decisions together. We encourage members to educate themselves through the website, TBC App,  and/or communicating with church leadership. The church office will be in touch by March 20, 2020 with details about multiple formats for voting. 

Click here to download ballot

Click here to listen to the podcast about the creation of a new finance team.

A message from Will Cumbia to TBC:

Brown Bag Bible Study, Zoom Instructions

Hello lovely BB Bible Study Group and family members of group members. Hope you’re hanging in there. We’re going to offer Brown Bag Bible tomorrow via “Zoom”.  I know that some of us haven’t used it before. You’ve got two basic options, should you want to give it a try: 

  1. Click here.
  2. Dial in from your phone (no video but you will be able to fully participate via audio)


You don’t need to read anything else on this webpage IF you follow the instructions above. 

You can, however, watch a couple of brief training videos as they may be helpful? 



  1. Call 1 (646) 558-8656
  2. The system will ask you for the meeting Code:  Enter 813730343#
  3. The system will ask you for a participant number.  You don’t have one 🙂   Just hit #
  4. Congrats, you’re in the meeting. 


  1. Click on the phone icon on your smartphone
  2. ‭Copy this weird looking phone #….in it’s entirety…… (646) 558-8656,,813730343#‬
  3. Paste the weird looking number onto your phone screen and then hit “call”
  4. Don’t worry.  That long crazy number is designed to do ALL the work for you.  Just be patient.  It will dial the number, pause for a moment, enter the meeting code on your behalf, pause for another moment, enter one last thing, and then put you into the room.  You don’t need to do anything or answer any of the questions the automatic voice is making for. Your smartphone move through all the steps on your behalf.
  5. Congrats, you’re in the meeting!

Beth McMahon has been very gracious in offering “zoom” and “livestream” tutoring for anyone needs some extra help. Just reach out to the staff if you don’t have access the online phone directory


Sunday, March 15: Online Opportunities.

We’ve cancelled all in-person events at Tabernacle through the month of March. Hope you will make plans to join us for some great online opportunities to participate in our Sabbath Day Together. Please be sure to check back later Saturday evening as more opportunities may be posted?

9:45 – 10:45 AM

Youth Sunday school  

Conversation with Rones

11:00 AM

Worship Livestream

12:10 PM (approximate)

Talkback: A new opportunity to converse, reflect, and share (begins 10 minutes after worship)

Helpful Information about week ahead


Our free Church App, and the website, are your best source of up-to-date information. 

Sunday, March 15: Opportunities to study, worship, and reflect

We’ve cancelled all in-person events at Tabernacle through the month of March. Hope you will make plans to join us for some great online opportunities to participate in our Sabbath Day Together 

9:45 – 10:45 AM

Youth Sunday school  

Conversation with Rones

11:00 AM

Worship Livestream

12:10 PM (approximate)

Talkback: A new opportunity to converse, reflect, and share (begins 10 minutes after worship)

Helpful Information about week ahead


Our free Church App, and the website, are your best source of up-to-date information.