
Sabbath | January 31, 2021

Sabbath is the culmination of Creation. We set aside the Sabbath day for the purpose of holy rest, sacred connection, and life-giving worship. Read more about our approach to Sabbath.

Sabbath with Us
The day is shaped by freedom. We encourage you to set time aside for three unique movements: PRELUDE, communal GATHERING, and CIRCLES. All of these are times of holy rest.

Begin your day with a quiet, reflective time with God at the place and time of your choosing. This material is intended for personal meditation.  You may want to be in a quiet place and light your own personal candle, but you may also just be sitting in your car waiting for an appointment. Where you are is not the point. The point is that you are taking the time to be quiet and listen so that you may walk through your day in communion with God.

Prelude Option 1: Epiphany Guided Contemplation Video

Prelude Option 2: Reflective Readings


This week we’re meeting on Zoom instead of Livestream from 11 to 11:45AM (EST) because of the possibility of snow.

This is our time to come together as a congregation and worship as one. We love to see guests and old friends drop in, so please say hello using the chat feature!

Zoom Link

Scripture Passage: Luke 6:1-16

This week’s hymn: I Love to Tell the Story


Connect and experience spiritual growth in meaningful conversation and biblical study with a small group of people in a Tab Circle. To sign up for a Circle or learn more, click here.

Circles Curriculum

Intergenerational Activities

More Opportunities
There are many ways to connect with us, on Sundays and beyond! You can find more information about our Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, prayer gatherings, and discipleship series on our online calendar.

If you’d like to take part in our worship by recording a testimony, prayer request, or scripture reading, please contact us!

Going Deeper: Leading Beyond the Blizzard

Spencer Law reads and reflects on the article Leading Beyond the Blizzard: Why Every Organization Is Now a Startup by Andy Crouch, Kurt Keilhacker, and Dave Blanchard.

A brief summary (pulled from the article) is provided here:

  1. The novel coronavirus is not just something for leaders to “get through” for a few days or weeks. Instead, we need to treat COVID-19 as an economic and cultural blizzard, winter, and beginning of a “little ice age” — a once-in-a-lifetime change that is likely to affect our lives and organizations for years.
  2. Due to the complex and interconnected nature of our society and economy, the majority of businesses and nonprofits are “effectively out of business” as of today, in that the underlying assumptions that sustained their organization are no longer true.
  3. The priority of leaders must be to set aside confidence in their current playbook as quickly as possible, write a new one that honors their mission and the communities they serve, and make the most of their organization’s assets — their people, financial capital, and social capital, leaning on relationship and trust.
  4. The creative potential for hope and vision is unparalleled right now — but paradoxically this creativity will only be fully available to us if we also make space for grief and lament.
  5. We write this out of love for Christian organizational leaders and their work, with humility in a time of considerable uncertainty, and a prayerful hope that we are proven wrong by God, in his gracious providence, working miraculously through human ingenuity in this season.

After reading or listening to this article, what do you think it has to say to the current state of our church? Is it correct in its assertions?

What have you learned between March (when this article was written) and now?

Sabbath | January 24, 2021

Sabbath is the culmination of Creation. We set aside the Sabbath day for the purpose of holy rest, sacred connection, and life-giving worship. Read more about our approach to Sabbath.

Sabbath with Us
The day is shaped by freedom. We encourage you to set time aside for three unique movements: PRELUDE, communal GATHERING, and CIRCLES. All of these are times of holy rest.

Begin your day with a quiet, reflective time with God at the place and time of your choosing. This material is intended for personal meditation.  You may want to be in a quiet place and light your own personal candle, but you may also just be sitting in your car waiting for an appointment. Where you are is not the point. The point is that you are taking the time to be quiet and listen so that you may walk through your day in communion with God.

Prelude Option 1: Epiphany Guided Contemplation Video

Prelude Option 2: Reflective Readings


Join us on Livestream from 11 to 11:45AM (EST) for a brief interactive service. This is our time to come together as a congregation and worship as one. We love to see guests and old friends drop in, so please say hello using the chat feature!


Connect and experience spiritual growth in meaningful conversation and biblical study with a small group of people in a Tab Circle. To sign up for a Circle or learn more, click here.

Circles Discussion Questions

Intergenerational Activities

More Opportunities
There are many ways to connect with us, on Sundays and beyond! You can find more information about our Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, prayer gatherings, and discipleship series on our online calendar.

And So It Begins: Intro and Initial Survey

In the fall of 2020, we as a church decided that, in order to enter into a deliberate season of discernment, we would move to a simple church model. We committed to spending our energy asking God where we are being called in this moment and beyond. Join us in this journey forward.

As you are praying for wisdom and clarity, please first watch the introductory video, then give us your thoughts through an anonymous survey. On the survey page you will find a video with more detailed information on what we’re hoping to hear from you. You can complete this survey as many times as you’d like. It will be open until the end of January, when we will compile the information we’ve received and move on to our next phase. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, or to include your totally honest ideas and opinions.

For more information on our 2021 discernment process, go to the Canoeing the Mountains page.

Sabbath | January 17, 2021

Sabbath is the culmination of Creation. We set aside the Sabbath day for the purpose of holy rest, sacred connection, and life-giving worship. Read more about our approach to Sabbath.

Sabbath with Us
The day is shaped by freedom. We encourage you to set time aside for three unique movements: PRELUDE, communal GATHERING, and CIRCLES. All of these are times of holy rest.

Begin your day with a quiet, reflective time with God at the place and time of your choosing. This material is intended for personal meditation.  You may want to be in a quiet place and light your own personal candle, but you may also just be sitting in your car waiting for an appointment. Where you are is not the point. The point is that you are taking the time to be quiet and listen so that you may walk through your day in communion with God.

Prelude Option 1: Epiphany Guided Contemplation Video

Prelude Option 2: Reflective Readings


Join us on Livestream from 11 to 11:45AM (EST) for a brief interactive service. This is our time to come together as a congregation and worship as one. We love to see guests and old friends drop in, so please say hello using the chat feature!


Connect and experience spiritual growth in meaningful conversation and biblical study with a small group of people in a Tab Circle. To sign up for a Circle or learn more, click here.

Circles Discussion Questions

Intergenerational Activities

More Opportunities
There are many ways to connect with us, on Sundays and beyond! You can find more information about our Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, prayer gatherings, and discipleship series on our online calendar.

A Word from Our Pastor: Epiphany amidst a world under siege

When the world seems to be spinning out of our control, we often don’t have the right words to say. Words are so important, aren’t they? The words we say and reflect on can inform our character and lead us towards-or away from-the truth. We invite you this season to reflect on your gifted word from Epiphany. What do you think of this word? What do you hope to learn about it in the coming year?

If you haven’t received a star with a word on it (if you’re wondering what we’re talking about) please see our Epiphany service from January 3. Please send us a message if you haven’t yet received a star and would like one!

Sabbath | January 10, 2021

Sabbath is the culmination of Creation. We set aside the Sabbath day for the purpose of holy rest, sacred connection, and life-giving worship.

Sabbath with Us
The day is shaped by freedom. We encourage you to set time aside for three unique movements: PRELUDE, communal GATHERING, and CIRCLES. Begin your day with a quiet, reflective time with God at the place and time of your choosing. Join us from 11 to 11:30AM (EDT) for a brief interactive service. Connect and experience spiritual growth in meaningful conversation and biblical study with a small group of people in a Tab Circle. To sign up for a Circle, click here.

More Opportunities
There are many ways to connect with us, on Sundays and beyond! You can find more information about our Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, prayer gatherings, and discipleship series on our online calendar.

Sabbath: January 10
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Pause. Connect. Worship. Grow.

begin your day with one of these
ways to prepare your heart for worship

Option 2 – Reflective Reading

connect with God and the larger church family at 11AM

This week’s service is one of our special traditions: Remembrance of Baptism. We will reflect on baptism: our own, Jesus’, and the meaning of the practice. If you can, please join us at 11am on Livestream, followed by a Zoom meetup where we will be led by several people in remembrance of baptism.

Today’s Scriptures: Matthew 3:1-17, Luke 3:1-22
Post-Service Zoom
gather with others to nurture your soul

children’s corner
materials to nurture the spirituality of the littlest ones among us

Join us for Sunday School at 10AM

Sign up for resources: Please sign up if you would like to receive a resource packet for your kiddo. 24 spots available.
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Sabbath | January 3, 2021

Sabbath is the culmination of Creation. We set aside the Sabbath day for the purpose of holy rest, sacred connection, and life-giving worship.

Sabbath with Us
The day is shaped by freedom. We encourage you to set time aside for three unique movements: PRELUDE, communal GATHERING, and CIRCLES. Begin your day with a quiet, reflective time with God at the place and time of your choosing. Join us from 11 to 11:30AM (EDT) for a brief interactive service. Connect and experience spiritual growth in meaningful conversation and biblical study with a small group of people in a Tab Circle. To sign up for a Circle, click here.

More Opportunities
There are many ways to connect with us, on Sundays and beyond! You can find more information about our Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, prayer gatherings, and discipleship series on our online calendar.

Sabbath: January 3
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Pause. Connect. Worship. Grow.

begin your day with one of these
ways to prepare your heart for worship

Option 2 – Reflective Reading

connect with God and the larger church family at 11AM

Today’s Scriptures
gather with others to nurture your soul

There are no Circles materials for Sunday, December 27th or Sunday, January 3rd. We encourage Circles to practice Sabbath rest with their families, or to gather for sharing prayer concerns and celebrating the joy of the season together!
Copyright © 2021 Tabernacle Baptist Chuch, All rights reserved.

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