
Next Youth Group Event – Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Hello Youth Family:   

Hope everyone is having a great week.  This week’s youth event will take place in two different locations:  TBC + Westray’s Ice Cream


6:00 p.m. 
Meet on 1st floor of main church building to work on a creative art project.

7:00 p.m. 
Walk over to Westray’s on Lombardy (we can drive over if weather doesn’t cooperate) 

8:00 p.m. 
Parents PICK-UP their youth AT WESTRAY’S (214 N. Lombardy St)  

What to bring: 

1) Clothing – Its possible you’ll get glue or paint on on your clothes. Wearing something old may be a good idea. 

2)  Shoes – if the weather is nice – we’ll likely walk over to Westray’s Ice Cream on Lombardy. 

3) $4-$8 for ice cream 

We’re asking for everyone to RSVP for weekly outings to help us make plans.  Please RSVP at this link.

Looking forward to a great night together with our students. 

Grace and Peace, 

Pastor Sterling

Next Youth Group Event – July 13, 2022

Join the the TBC youth group for a special showing of Black Panther at the Byrd Theater.

:  Wednesday, July 13, 2022



6:00 PM – Hot pizza will be waiting in the Church fellowship hall when everyone arrives at 6:00 p.m. sharp

6:30 PM – Load up into church van and head to Carytown

7:00 PM – Movie at Byrd Theater begins

Total Cost: $8  (Tickets cost more for the Byrd’s Classic Series)

PARENT PICK-UP:  We’ll e-mail out updates to those that RSVP and let you know if pick-up will be at the theater or at the church.

It is important planning for this event that any youth, parents. siblings or mentors that plans to attend to RSVP. Please click here to RSVP by Monday, July 11. Pizzas will need to be ordered and transportation secured, so please RSVP. Thanks!

Litany For Government

There were requests from the online chat from the livestream to put the reading from the worship service on July 3, 2022, on the website. Here is the reading. The writer and credit for the Litany goes to Fran Pratt.

God, we seek your wisdom for how to live today, in this time and place.

We ask help from you:

To remember that we are citizens of heaven first and foremost (1) – Help us, oh God; To live with integrity and fidelity to Christ even while under human government – Help us, oh God;To practice peace and resurrection in our every action (2) – Help us, oh God; To exercise our rights and privileges on behalf of the vulnerable – We need the mind of Christ.

We lift up those human leaders in authority, that they may do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly (3); That they may overcome self-interest with self sacrifice; That they may listen to the voices of the people they serve; That they may have vision for good for all, beyond partisan goals and nationalism; That they may resist temptation to wield their power for personal gain; That they may may resist tyranny, totalitarianism, and autocracy within their ranks; That they may speak truth, and uphold it (4); That they may hold fast to laws which foster justice, and root out those that discriminate against the weak; That they may seek peace and pursue it (4); That they may work for equality and benefit for all races, all genders, all religious and cultural expressions; That they may champion the beauty of humanity from cradle to grave; That they may regard kindness and cooperation as strengths; That they may lead with humility, morality, compassion, and creativity. Let everything that is hidden come to light – The light that is Christ. (5) And let all people live in the authority of the Kingdom of Heaven, under the law of Love. Amen.

  1. Philippians 3:20
  2. “Practice resurrection” is a line in Wendell Berry’s famous poem, “The Mad Farmer Liberation Front”
  3. Micah 6:8
  4. Psalm 34:14
  5. John 8:12

Youth Picnic – Wednesday, July 6, 2022 – 6:00 – 8:00 PM

On Wednesday, July 6, Mark and Katye Snipes will host our first Wednesday night Youth Event.  Throughout the summer ahead, our youth will be invited to participate in a Wednesday evening activity AND also a handful of outings on various days of the week.  We’re going to do the best we can to keep cost to a minimum. Thus, in order to make plans, it’s really important for participants to RSVP.  It’s going to be a great summer!

DATE: Wednesday, July 6, 2022

TIME: 6-8 p.m.

LOCATION: The Snipes Home (Chesterfield) 

WHOSE INVITED? Youth, their families, and Youth Mentors

THEN WHAT?  Early next week, those that signed up will receive an e-mail with updates and also the Snipes’ address. 

WHAT TO BRING:  Mark and Katye will grill chicken and hot dogs. Participants should bring a side dish. 

Please RSVP ASAP by clicking here.

Announcement concerning the TCCC

June 14, 2022
Dear Members and friends, 
TBC’s Admin Board is thrilled to announce that we have voted to approve Sabrina Jones for the role of Director at Tabernacle Child Care Center.
Sabrina came to TCCC as an in-classroom teacher in February 2020. Working closely with our former Director, Kristen OSullivan, Sabrina began taking on more administrative support tasks and managed the scheduling of the full and part-time workers. When Kristen announced she was leaving TCCC, Sabrina was recommended for, and became, the Interim Co-director of the program. 
Sabrina has demonstrated a deep commitment to TCCC throughout her tenure. As Interim Co-Director, she has impressed staff and TCCC families with her willingness and ability to jump in, learn quickly, and make decisions that are already benefiting the school.
The members of the TCCC Ministry Committee and TCCC Admin Committee have had the pleasure of working closely with Sabrina over the past few months. We are also excited to endorse her for this role and to offer a happy child care center home for her 3-year old son, PJ.
We ask our TBC family to consider and approve this recommendation.
Voting is open now until Sunday, July 3. You may vote electronically by clicking here.
A paper ballot will be available on Sunday morning, July 3, if you wish to vote using that method. Remember, you are only allowed to vote once and must be a member of TBC.
With Gratitude,
Jessica Corbitt
Woody jenkins
Anita McCarty
Margaret Ailes
Erin Braford
Dan Hernan
Penny Jenkins
Donna Soyars
Jim Soyars

Fiscal Year 2022-23 Final Budget

This is the budget from the Finance Committee for everyone’s review. Click here to access the budget. There was a zoom call this past Sunday evening at 7 PM for anyone that wanted to ask questions or add input before the Finance Committee submitted the final budget today. If you missed that meeting but would like to view it, click here for the recording of the 7 PM meeting from Sunday, June 5.

The timeline for the budget will be as follows:
Beginning June 8 – please review the budget. If you have any questions please reach out to Margaret Ailes, Jim Soyars, or Dan Herman our Finance Committee members.June 22– Online voting begins for the Budget – Click here to vote electronically. June 26- Paper Ballot in Worship and Vote Closes at 3 PM.

The TCCC Budget can be reviewed by clicking here.

Minister for Abundant Community

A Message From The Personnel Committee
Congratulations to April Kennedy!

The Personnel Committee is very pleased to announce that April Kennedy has been voted into her new full time position as Minister for Abundant Community effective July 1, 2022.  We thank the members of the church for taking the time to cast a ballot affirming April and this new commitment to Tabernacle’s mission to our community.

2022-23 Fiscal Year Budget

Dear Congregation,

This is the latest version of the budget from the Finance Committee for everyone’s review. Click here to access the budget.

  • The Finance Committee (FC) incorporated many suggestions for the budget and it is over projected income.  During the last couple of years (Covid times!) significant allocations of the budget have not been spent. There is also the fact that (we hope) contributions may increase as the year progresses.
  • The average monthly tithing (less Endowment Foundation Contribution) is:
    • 2019……………$33,787
    • 2020……………$29,201
    • 2021……………$28,721
    • 2022……………$25,225  (based on 4 months only)

****The ’22-’23 budget is based on tithing of $27,000/month

  • At this time there is no Associate Pastor for Children & Families and that position may not be filled for some time.  It was not included in this budget, a reduction of approx. $29,250. 
  • The FC, with the assistance of Kathy McGraw, will be looking into, requesting quotes, and comparing the Church’s insurance package prices/coverage with at least one other company in August.  There may be no cost savings but we feel that it is worth looking into. 

Thank you for your review and input regarding the FY 22-23 proposed budget.
There will be a church-wide Zoom meeting to discuss the budget on Sunday, June 5 at 7:00 PM.  Please click here for the zoom link.

With Best Regards,
 The Finance Committee – Margaret Ailes, Jim Soyars & Dan Herman

From Building & Grounds

Over the past year, your Building & Grounds Committee members have been researching how we best address masonry issues found on the exterior of our church building. We are pleased that Old World Masonry Restoration, a company with a lot of experience with limestone mortar work in the Fan, will be working with us starting in May to complete this major renovation project.

Estimated Date for the project to begin:  May 9, 2022
Three Phases: Phase 1:Church wall facing east, in the alleyway between 1915 Grove Avenue and the main church Phase 2:Church wall facing north, work completed along Grove Avenue Phase 3:Church wall facing west, along Meadow Street
What does that mean to you? The mortar repair will be done on three sides of the church, starting with the alleyway between 1915 Grove Avenue and the main church building (aka church office entrance alleyway).In all phases of the project, there will be a lot of dust.The stained glass window is covered adequately to protect it. Work in Phase 2 along Grove Avenue requires use of a lift.Therefore, the Grove Avenue sidewalk from the office entrance alleyway to the corner of Grove and Meadow will be closed for at least one week, probably around the week of 5/16/2022. The repairs along Meadow are the most extensive and therefore will require the most time.The lift will also be needed during this phase, requiring that the northbound lane of Meadow Street be closed for approximately three weeks.This lane closure is likely to begin around the week of 5/23/2022.The city alley access on the south side of the church will remain available, and users will be able to turn south onto Meadow from that Meadow Street alleyway.The Meadow Street parking spaces will remain available. For safety reasons, we recommend that you use the atrium/City alley entrance (south side of the church) for the duration of this project.While church staff should be able to enter through the church office entrance after the first week, we believe that consistency in how we access the building offers the greatest safety for all others who join us in activities at the church.We specifically ask that you do NOT walk under the scaffolding and that you closely follow closed sidewalk instructions. Please know that we will do all we can to keep the area as clean as we can.  And also be patient if the weather affects the timing of the work getting done.  We are certain that the crew will do their best to keep this job moving along as weather permits.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that this work will cause.  We appreciate your understanding that this is an important project as we strive to be good stewards in maintaining our special church building that is over 100 years old.  We are doing our best to preserve its beauty and to keep it a safe place for our community, and we sincerely appreciate your support.
NOTE:  We have two additional projects scheduled for the next few weeks. 1) Starting next week (this week now), Vassars Services will begin loading equipment for the installation of new HVAC systems for the music suite/youth room and the Blue Room areas.  Most of the installation work is anticipated to be completed during the week of 5/2/2022.  There should be minimal impact for others during this installation.  2) On May 9th, Jeter Flooring will start installing replacement flooring in the hallway between the Williams Building and the Blue Room (music suite hallway).  This is a 2-day job and should have minimal disruption to any activities in the church.  We are asking that no heavy carts or other equipment be rolled over the new flooring until after 5/9/2022, giving at least one week for the new floor to set before any heavy use.
Donna Soyars, Chair
TBC Building & Grounds Committee

Update from B&G Chair, Donna

I received a call from Clint Hobbs this morning, and here is the update:

  • He and his team will be at the church THIS AFTERNOON (Tuesday, 5/10) to begin to set up scaffolding.
  • He will be starting work tomorrow morning at 7:30am.
  • The lift will arrive likely by next Monday.  It will be used to set up the final sections of the scaffolding.
  • Clint received the City permit yesterday (hooray!).  
  • Clint will be meeting with the City inspector probably tomorrow to go over the signage requirements for the sidewalk and street closures.  The signs are expensive.  That will add to the cost of this job in an unanticipated way.  Clint is working with the inspector to do his best to minimize this cost.
  • The City is requiring that the Meadow Street closure occur daily from 9am to 3:30pm.  That will result in a longer span of time to complete the job.  Therefore, it is possible that his crew will work an occasional Saturday to make up for time lost during the Monday-Friday work week.  This is different from what we told folks in our letters.  It will probably make them happy, so I am not intending to send out separate communications to everyone unless leadership feels that is needed.  This will help our TCCC parents, so it would be good to communicate this change to them.
  • Whereas we thought that it would be a 3-phased approach, it is now possible that there will be a blending of phases 1 and 2 .  I told Clint to do what he needed to do to get this job done well and efficiently, understanding that this is a difficult job to begin with.  We will be as flexible as we can be.  That means to be alert each day to where they are working and the most safe access points.  I still believe and will repeat that using the alley/atrium entrance is the safest entrance for the duration of this project.
  • I told Clint to let us know which Saturdays he may need to work so that we can coordinate with April.  If there are other events that we need to be aware of that would potentially need result in a need for coordination on Saturdays, please let me know.

Thanks so much for your support as we move forward with this important project.