
It’s Transfiguration Sunday!

IT’S TRANSFIGURATION SUNDAY! FEB 19 @ 11 AM (EST)We hope you’ll make plans to join us for this morning’s worship service. We will conclude the season of light celebrating the Transfiguration of Jesus. We will conclude the worship service in a circle of candlelight, turning our attention to the Lenten journey ahead.


During the invitation hymn, those participating virtually will be encouraged to log out of the livestream AND immediately log into the zoom link below. This will allow our virtual participants, each holding candles, to be visually seen alongside those in the physical sanctuary. It only would make sense to do this if you’re comfortable turning on your zoom camera to be seen in the circle of candlelight. If you’d rather not be seen, it’s best to just stay in the livestream.


1) Login into this zoom link when prompted:

Meeting ID: 342 567 7717
Passcode: 909439

2) Turn on your camera so that you and your UNLIT candle can be seen on the monitor in the Sanctuary.

3) Be sure your microphone is muted.

4) You’ll be prompted to light your candle, when those in the physical room are lighting theirs.

Join the Search Party

Step 1: Sign-up for a Search Team on this webpage (see below)

Determine if you want to create your own Search Team of 5-6 people and sign up together or allow us put you on a team of some amazing fellow sojourners. 

Step 2: We’ll reach out to your group 

We’ll help your team make introductions and provide a large menu of opportunities, some with pre-assigned dates and others completely flexible. 

Step 3: Team selects three unique events 

Your team will make three event selections and we’ll proceed in getting your team the details. 

Step 4: Team participates in the 1st event

Step 5: Team shares a meal and reflects upon the Spirit’s movement among us

After event one, team will schedule a time to share a meal and share your hearts with one another. 

You all determine the date, time and venue/menu. We’ll provide the conversation guide and or a facilitator. 

*** Repeat Steps 4 and 5….a couple more times. 

Create your own user feedback survey

Retreat Weekend – January 13-15

Find yourself available tonight for the first retreat session this evening? GREAT!!!!! If you opt to join us in the virtual acre: Much of our time this weekend will be spent in open dialogue and sharing. We want to create a space where participants can speak courageously and freely, a space where trust is prioritized. We’ll assume that if you show up, you’re prepared to be fully present (e.g. camera on during dialogue moments and avoidance of “easedropping mode” 🙂 If you’re up for that, just email Ron at and he’ll send you the link.

Registration Deadline for this weekend’s: Re-Visioning Retreat, January 13-15, 2023

In decades past, previous generations at Tabernacle set aside time, often full weeks or weekends, to come together purposefully and expectantly. Long ago, these gatherings were called revivals and more recently spiritual renewal weekends.

 Though the format of those gatherings have changed, the longings and expectations of each generation, including our generation, have not wavered. For almost 150 years our local congregation has come together, often in our most vulnerable chapters of communal life, to express our yearning for revival, to pray for inspirited vision, to petition God to give us unity in the (re)discovery of purpose and call. 

The weekend of January 13-15, 2023, our generation will come together, in both the physical church building and in our virtual acre. Mark Tidsworth, our facilitator, will  help us explore the challenges and opportunities standing before the Universal Church and guide our local church in prayerful discernment/dialogue.

We will  introduce three questions as an invitation into  discernment.  

What might God do, in and through us,  if we were to shift away from __________________  and move toward _________________? 

  • member identity to disciple identity
  • attractional to missional church
  • consumer culture to sacred partnering

On Friday night, Mark will provide a format we’ll use for capturing our insights and we’ll continue to gather and glean throughout the entire weekend. This, plus the insights generated during multiple small group discussions, will be funneled to church leadership after this weekend. In turn, the leaders will determine how we can effectively continue to discern together as a congregation. 

The Holy Spirit is prompting our old church to embrace a new day in this new world we’re all living in and we offer our praise to God for what we’re about to see and hear.  Tabernacle, yet again, Christ is on the move, and, yet again, the revived, renewed, and re-missioned Church is called to follow.  

Retreat Schedule:
Friday, January 13 6-9 pm (dinner provided)
Saturday, January 14, 9-12 pm 12-12:45 (lunch provided), 12:45 – 3 pm
Sunday, January 15, 9 – 10:30 am + worship

There is no registration fee. However, we do ask that each participant bring a pack of bottled waters or canned beverages + a sweet/salty snack to share.

Whereas, we won’t be able to provide a nursery on-site,  we can help offset some of the expense of baby sitting in your homes and possibly identify babysitters.


It will be helpful to us if each participating member of your household registers separately. Please REGISTER BY CLICKING HERE.

A greeting from our Retreat Facilitator

Guidance on receiving your Epiphany Star (word)During the invitation in today’s service (1.8.23)

During the invitation in today’s service, you are invited to click on this link to request a star (word for the year):

One of your fellow worshippers will be asked to gather a star for you. We’ll reach out in the next couple of days to real your word and you can anticipate receiving the tangible star sometime in the week ahead.

FOR OUR GUESTS:This practice is incredibly meaningful to our little church. You picked a fantastic day to join us! * Your star will have a word written on it. * There are 100+ different words we’ve written on the stars and folks aren’t given the option of trading their word in for another. As you pray and reflect upon your word throughout 2023, it’s possible God wants you be more deliberate in your embracing of something. It’s equally possible the word represents something God will help you relinquish or re-frame. The fullness of the gift can only be revealed in time.

TAB 2022-23 Holiday Schedule & Events

Over the next several weeks during the holidays, we have many opportunities to worship, serve and support our Ministry Programs.  Here is a snapshot of what will be happening in the life of our church.

LAST DINNER CHURCH before hiatus – December 14th

We hope you’ll join us for “Dinner Church” this Wednesday, Dec. 14.  Participants can opt to arrive at 5:45 p.m. for pre-dinner dialogue in the Sanctuary or arrive in the fellowship hall just prior to 6:30 p.m.  It’s important for us to have an accurate headcount for the meal. Please click this link to RSVP by 5:00 PM today. (Tuesday, December 13)

CHRISTMAS BASKETS – December 16th & 17th

This Saturday, December 17, we will gather to distribute food and Christmas Baskets to neighbors.  Plan on joining us Friday morning, December 16, at 10am to pack baskets and Saturday morning at 7:30am to be present with our neighbors. 

Saturday, December, 17th,  8:00 PM  Candlelight Concert at Bruton Parish Episcopal Church, 201 Duke of Gloucester St.  Williamsburg, VA

The Tabernacle Baptist Church Sanctuary Choir and Handbell Choir will present a concert of Christmas music as a part of the Candlelight Concert Series in the beautiful setting of historic Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg, Va.  If you would like to attend this concert you should plan to be at the church by 7:00 PM so we can let you in so you will be guaranteed a seat.  Please knock on the doors just inside the gate to the churchyard.  Doors open to the public at 7:15 and the church is usually full.  Because of special events in the Colonial area of Williamsburg that evening there is NO parking in front of the church on Duke of Gloucester St.  Parking is available in other places around the historic area.  The Tabernacle Choirs have been participating in this Concert series for about 40 years.  

Sunday Morning Worship – December 18th

Our 11:00 AM Worship led by our Sanctuary Choir and Handbell Choir.  We will celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent with a service of music celebrating the birth of Jesus.  This Sunday the “Love” candle will be lit as we make our final preparations for the celebration of Christmas. 


4:00 PM – Christmas in the Fan: a concert presented by the Richmond Concert Band and the Tabernacle Choirs. Richmond Concert Band is a community band with more than 80 members.  The band was founded in 1971.  RCB has called Tabernacle Baptist Church home since about 1985.  This concert is a festive event that celebrates the music of Christmas, sacred and secular.  The concert will last about 90 minutes and is appropriate for all ages. 

On Saturday, December 24, at 5:00 PM our annual Christmas Eve Service will be held in the Sanctuary.  This service is one of the most creative and beautiful worship services of the year.  This worship service will consist of scripture readings which tell the story of the birth of Jesus along with music provided by soloists and ensembles. At the end of the service we will light the Christ Candle and pass the light on to each other as we light our candles. Worship will conclude with the singing of “Silent Night” together as the light from the candles fills the Sanctuary. We hope you will join us on this Holy Night. 


Joy to the World, the Lord has come!  We hope you’ll make plans to join us for worship at 11 AM on Sunday, Dec. 25.  (please note: please check with your Sunday School Class leader to see if you are meeting this morning, otherwise, Sunday classes and programs will resume on January 8).


Start 2023 at TBC!  We hope you’ll make plans to join us for worship at 11 AM on Sunday, January 1.  (please note: please check with your Sunday School Class leader to see if you are meeting this morning, otherwise, Sunday classes and programs will resume on January 8).



God is preparing our historic church  for a new chapter…..a new day….a new beginning.  TBC leadership has invited Mark Tidsworth, founder and team leader of Pinnacle Leadership Associates, to bring  the entire congregation together for a weekend of discerning dialogue. CLICK HERE for more details.

Save the Date! Church Wide Retreat

Save the Date: Church-Wide Re-Visioning Retreat

God is preparing our historic church  for a new chapter…..a new day….a new beginning.  TBC leadership hasinvited Mark Tidsworth, founder and team leader of Pinnacle Leadership Associates, to bring  the entire congregation together for a weekend of discerning dialogue.

We will gather:  Friday evening, all-day Saturday, and conclude in worship on Sunday morning.  Participants can join us in both the physical building and/or TBC’s virtual acre.  Sign-ups will begin in the next week or so.

The leadership of the church would love for you to join us in reading Mark’s book, Shift: Three Big Moves for the 21st Century Churchin preparation for the retreat.



During this past summer our church leadership agreed for the Building & Grounds Committee to focus energies on safety and security for all of our facilities for at least six months, with the idea to begin outlining a staged process of implementing safety measures.  Our work began during the summer in conjunction with TCCC and Noah Rogers, safety expert from the Baptist General Association of Virginia.

As a result of our assessments, the Building & Grounds Committee and the TCCC Director are recommending a Stage 1 of activities that highlight our need to protect the children that we serve every day in our facility.  We have already updated interior door locks, added door codes for staff and families, planned relocation to church building if weather emergency, and scheduled emergency training for the staff.  Costs have been covered by TCCC.

The next step in our Williams Building Stage 1 is to install a new, monitored fire panel. The fire panel is our first priority based upon our discussions with a number of professionals.  We have obtained a proposal that will provide fire protection on all levels of the Williams Building, covering materials and installation at a cost in the range of $40,000-$45,000 (allowing $5,000 for contingencies in the event of unexpected costs).  TCCC has already approved covering 2/3 of the cost (for the space that they occupy) and TBC is being asked to cover 1/3 (for the space that we occupy).   Actual cost to TBC will be $15,000 less the $5,400 remaining in the Williams Building God-Sized Vision funds.

We will be holding a Zoom meeting on Monday, December 12th at 7pm for you to ask questions you may have.  The Zoom link:

Topic: Fire Protection Q&A Meeting
Time: Dec 12, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 5335 3036
Passcode: 923323

One tap mobile
+16468769923,,87453353036# US (New York)
+16469313860,,87453353036# US

Meeting ID: 874 5335 3036
Find your local number:


To vote to approve the installation of the fire panel for the Williams Building, select this link. Voting is open now and will close on December 18, 2022 at 1:00 PM. A paper ballot for those who do not wish to vote electronically will be available during Worship on Sunday, December 18.



POINSETTIAS – ORDERS MUST BE PLACED BY DECEMBER 12.   We are almost in the Christmas season, and it’s time to think about ordering Poinsettias in memory or honor of a loved one.  The cost this year is $13.45 per plant.  When placing your order, if paying by check or some other form of payment, please indicate that it is for a Poinsettia and also include the name or names of those that the Poinsettia is in memory or honor of as well as who is giving the plant.
Please CLICK HERE for an order form to print and fill out. You can place the order in my box outside the office or mail it in.  

Thanks, Peggy Strong.