Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, a season of deep reflection on human frailty and brokenness. It’s a season of honest and hopeful repentance. On this day, a cross of ash is gently placed on one’s forehead, accompanied by the solemn reminder, “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.”
We invite you to join us for a portion of the day on February 14th to take part in the observance of Ash Wednesday.

11 AM – 5:30 PM The sanctuary will be open You may choose to simply receive ashes only, or stay a little longer for meditation and prayer.
5:30-6:20 PM Join us for pancake dinner. (Suggested Donation of $5 per Person)
6:30-7:15 PM Join us for a communal Ash Wednesday Service in the Sanctuary. The service will include music, readings, a reflection and the imposition of ashes.