As I am writing this I am sitting a lodge at Eagle Eryie with a group of 18 teens and children and two of the best chaperones ever, John Burgess and Laura Severns.  The children’s music program is a center part of the Tabernacle music ministry.  Helen Davidson and Judy Fiske lead the preschool children.   They finished their season in May.  This year the school age children were led by Judy Fiske and Graham Grinnell in conjunction with the Godly Play program.  They also finished their season in May.   Eighteen children and youth are attending Music and Worship Arts Camp at Eagle Eyrie.  Earlier this summer four youth, Waysnah Htoo, Monica Iang, Paul Lian and Kekoa Burgess attended Animate Worship Camp at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama.  The youth will be participating in a worship study being conducted by Samford and will also attend this camp next year.

Our Sanctuary Choir has been busy preparing music for the weekly worship services.  This spring we have included the children in several of the anthems we have sung.  This summer the choir is participating in an “All-age Choir” that is open to anyone who can read on a second grade level.  There is also an adult handbell choir that is meeting during the Sunday School hour in July.  We have also enjoyed the music of the Karen and Lisu choirs in worship.

April, May and June are an important time for the worship arts people in our congregation.  The Lenten crown of thorns was turned into a crown of victory over death, the cords of color used in the Lenten installation became connecting cords between an open door and the world outside of the church building.   When Pentecost arrived we made about 100 origami doves of all sizes and hung them in the center of the sanctuary surrounded by the batik fabric that we made in 2008.   It was a fun use of an old project.

We are looking forward to the remainder of the summer.  Pictures will be added to the sanctuary walls of activities showing how God is moving in the life of Tabernacle.  There will be an Open Mic night tonight, July 19th.   Intergenerational Choir will continue in July—there is rehearsal tomorrow, July 20th.  Music is being chosen for Christmas that is coming very soon!

Thank a musician for the worship music and plan to join us for a rehearsal, worship or a performance.


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