Join us on the podcast this week as we talk about the science, the art, and the spirituality of gratitude.
Wear gratitude
like a cloak,
and it will feed
every corner
of your life.
Pray As You Go: The Examen Prayer
St. Ignatius of Loyola was a 14th century catholic priest who founded the monastic order of the Jesuits, which is still alive and thriving today. In his writings Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius invited the monks to examine their conscience daily, looking for the movement of God in their lives and giving thanks. There are a few days you can practice the Prayer of Examen.
At the end of each day, spend a moment reflecting on this set of questions:
In my day, when did I feel closest to God?
In my day, when did I feel farthest from God?
What am I most grateful for today?
What did I find most challenging?
This is a version of the five-step Daily Examen that St. Ignatius practiced, borrowed from
1. Become aware of God’s presence.
2. Review the day with gratitude.
3. Pay attention to your emotions.
4. Choose one feature of the day and pray from it.
5. Look toward tomorrow.
Family Practice: Thank you notes
This week, harness the power of a handwritten note to offer gratitude and appreciation for those God has used in your life. They don’t take that long to write. So, dig out your personalized stationary, or some craft paper and markers, and as a family make a list of those you want to thank, and write or create a thank you note or card for each name.
Closing prayer:
Dear God, thank you for all the people you bring into our lives. We are grateful for your love and provision. Amen
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