TBC Spring 2018 Series: Race
This spring series is an invitation, as one body in Christ with diverse perspectives on race, to begin an honest conversation on the reality of disparities and tensions in our communities. This series will provide opportunities to share your personal experience and stories related to race, learn more about our collective church history and context, and grow toward an embodiment of Jesus that offers healing in our divided society. During this season of Epiphany, we are launching the spring series on race with in-home Dessert & Dialogues.
This is an opportunity to gather in one another’s homes to engage in facilitated dialogue in an intimate small group setting. We’ll have the chance to share and listen to each other’s personal experiences and epiphanies in our awareness and understanding related to race. This is an invitation for all TBC adults and youth to begin an important conversation, and we encourage you to join as you are able. Below you will find a timeline overview, and on the back of this sheet you can RSVP to attend a “Dessert & Dialogue” Group.
If you are interested in opening your home to host a Dessert & Dialogue discussion, please email host@tbcrichmond.org.
Beginning Jan. 25: Dessert & Dialogues (Session 1)
These dialogues will be hosted in homes and facilitated by church members. The focus will be on sharing and listening to each other’s individual stories and experiences related to race. Please fill out the back of this document and place it in the offering plate. Please click “sign up” on the date that best matches your personal calendar. You will be prompted to select two alternate dates in the registration process. You will be matched with a group, then informed of the date and location.
Feb. 21 – Mar. 21: Wednesday Night Lenten Series
This Wednesday night series, on Feb. 21, 28, Mar. 7, 14, & 21, will be an opportunity for us to learn about our context and collective history as Tabernacle Baptist Church in Richmond, VA. We will hear members of the community share their stories, and speakers discuss the complex history and legacies of racism that will help us better understand ourselves and our faith as it relates to race.
After Easter: Dessert & Dialogues (Session 2)
Following Resurrection Sunday, a second round of Dessert and Dialogues will give us the opportunity to share what we have learned from listening to one another, from hearing the Wednesday night speakers, and from our reflections on the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection in our lives. Session 2 invites us to ask “What comes next?”
We are excited to move toward an embodiment of Jesus as a church by participating in this series on race with an openness to listening, learning, growing, and extending grace, all with humility and respect. To prepare for this series please take advantage of the resource list. The list is available online. Hardcopies are posted at the welcome station outside the sanctuary.
Making the Shift: from “one-way giving” to “mutual interdependence” by Wendy McCaig or Embrace Richmond
Why is Richmond Still Segregated? by Heather Crislip of HOME